Attention to little details makes a big difference at Goldfish


swimming lessons

This post was sponsored by Goldfish Swim School – Dublin and Goldfish Swim School – Westerville, but all the opinions expressed here are totally my own.


There is just so much to love and appreciate about Goldfish Swim School in Dublin and Westerville, and I’ve shared quite a bit of that already – some of the big things that make it great. But I have to tell you, it’s not just the big things (you know, like the whole learning to swim part) – it’s all the little details too that make the experience there extra special.

Here are some of those little things that haven’t gone unnoticed and add up to big pluses when it comes to you, your kids and their experience in and around the pool.

• It doesn’t stink. Literally. Have you ever walked into a hotel and can just tell from the air there’s an indoor pool? You don’t get that here. The pool deck area is kept nice and warm, but it’s not that same stuffy chlorinated feel and smell.

• The sibling bystanders can have fun too. If you have a little landlubber along with you, don’t worry – they’ll be entertained. There are coloring pages, books, chalkboards and perhaps most entertaining – the tanks with turtles and fish.  My kids have spent a full 30 minutes just watching those guys. There are also reasonably priced snacks available.


• It’s always neat and tidy. A lot of people (and people with kids!) come in and out of that facility and they somehow manage to keep it looking good. The aforementioned crayons, papers and books are never scattered about.  And this may sound crazy, but as a lady who cannot for the life of her keep her house tidy, I even enjoy how frequently the chairs are straightened up. It actually probably drives the staff crazy how much they have to do it, but I notice and I appreciate it!

• They run on time. It’s a well-oiled machine. Your lesson will start on the hour and 25 minutes later, they’ll come get the parents to check on the kids’ progress.

• They get to know you. Yes, it sounds like Cheers, but it does mean a lot when everybody knows and remembers your name. And it’s not just a name; they get to know the kids, engage in conversation with them, and you can tell there is a lot of care there too. If a lifeguard sees your kid has a ribbon for moving up a level, they say congrats. If the team sees your kid is having a bad or off week, they help but don’t push and know sometimes a bad week is just a bad week (they also cut the mamas some slack too if, oh, say, you goof and show up at the wrong time… not that that ever would happen).

So while the big picture is teaching your kids how to swim (and they are top-notch at that), the attention to everything that goes on in and around that really make me appreciate Goldfish all that much more.Save