Cat I

Cat I
Cat I although not an Ohio native, she and her family have lived in Columbus for 5 years and have come to call the city home. She has three children twin girl and a son. She is a stay-at-home mom by week, and a NICU nurse by weekend. Cat has been blogging for several years. She enjoys sharing witty insight to all things parenting. Cat enjoys minivans, hot coffee (that wasn’t rewarmed 3 times) skinny jeans, spicy food, all things gingham pattern, pretty décor, her crockpot, and skiing. She looks forward to sharing her simple pearls of wisdom.
Mom Tribe

How to Find Mommy Friends

In the workforce, you need to surround yourself with great coworkers. Great coworkers makes doing your day to day job a lot easier. It...

Minimize Is The Word for 2017

Christmas was approaching and I was getting all claustrophobic in my house. The holiday decor mixed with all the new items I knew Santa was...

It is Cold! Indoor Fun On The West Side of Columbus

Well my friends, it happened... Winter is indeed here the great City of Columbus. Freezing temperatures, ice, and snow can make for some long winters when...

The Holidays Are Coming… Don’t Freak…

"It is the most wonderful time of the year.." Right? For those with the title "Mom," this season means our workload just doubled while maintaining a...
Online Grocery Shopping

Walmart To the Rescue… Curbside Pickup

  I don't know about you but there is nothing more stressful than doing a weeks worth of grocery shopping with little kids. I have...

5 Baby Shower Gifts The Mom Actually Needs..

Us veteran moms want to share some truth with friends and family members of the soon to be newbie mom. We know that our...

Columbus Coffee Spots

Raising little ones is exhausting. Coffee is my friend. I crave the warm fuzzy feeling I get when I take a sip of some delicious coffee. I...

The Reality of the Situation. Being a Mom of Multiples

I was sitting at my dentist office waiting for an appointment.  A nice woman in her 50's walked in and took a seat next...

Birthday Spots on a Budget

I'm all about keeping life easy. Birthday parties at my home are too much work in my opinion. I did a big first birthday...

Why I got the damn van…

Maybe it is not for you... but look... The other day I was at a local park with the kids. I was walking to the...