5 Leadership Traits I Learned as a Mom
I don't think moms generally get enough credit as "leaders" in our society. I've read plenty of articles about how managers should value staff and clients, those that encourage supervisors to confidently inspire, and...
7 Ways to Rock Your Soccer Mom Status
As a proud soccer mom for nearly 4 years, I have learned a few things about how to really own that role in my life. Before my own kiddos were old enough to play,...
Teaching Civility in Seemingly Less Than Civil Times
There’s been so much talk lately about civility – particularly in national politics. I remember hearing the elementary school children at the bus stop last fall saying how they couldn’t stand this candidate or...
5 Tips from My (Nearly) Perfect Stay-at-Home Husband
In celebrating dads of all kind this Father’s Day, I want to specifically call out the stay-at-home dads out there. While slowly growing in number, they still face some adversity in going against the idea...
75+ Ways to Make Your Kids MOVE
When you do something often enough, you don't even realize it's not "normal." That's what sports and being active generally have become for my family. Without realizing it, my husband and I have created...
Daycares and Nannies, Au Pairs? Oh My!
From the time we learn we'll soon welcome that precious baby into the world, we parents must figure out how to care for them. So begins the extensive research on the many options for this sweet child who...
Bold Girls Change the Game
I certainly don't need a reason to explain how important it is to build up our daughters, but I'm especially inspired right now. To start...
March is Women's History Month and March 8 was International...
Blended, Part 2: Patience
This is the second in a series on blended families. If you want to read about some truly happy aspects of this topic, check out the first post HERE. And if you want a...
Blended, Part 1: Joy
With the passing of Florence Henderson (aka Mrs. Brady of the Brady Bunch), I feel compelled to talk about one of the most important aspects of my life. I never planned to divorce the...
3 Easy Steps to Make 2017 Count… WITHOUT Resolutions
I heard a statistic that 80% of all New Year’s resolutions fail. Rather than digging into the reasons behind that, or even spilling which of mine have had success (or were forgotten) over the past...