Mindy Hayward-Hauck

Mindy Hayward-Hauck
Mindy is a Columbus native and stay-at-home-mama to a “spirited” 3.5-year-old boy, Asher, and a “sassy” 2-year-old girl, Penelope. A self-described fitness junkie, she loves being outside and active with her babies in Stroller Strides classes as both a participant and an instructor, as well as training for her next 5K, 10K or half-marathon. When she’s not working on her fitness, Mindy can be found working on her artistic endeavors. She’s the director of a contemporary worship praise band in Grandview, and has also been known to grace various theatrical stages throughout the Columbus area as an actor/singer/dancer.

Parents’ Day Out Programs

Let's paint a picture. You, a stay-at-home-parent, occasionally find yourself daydreaming about sitting by yourself, drinking a hot (what's that?) beverage, scrolling through your social media...

Traveling with Toddlers: A Cautionary Tale

This is a cautionary tale. I, in no way, shape, or form, pretend to know everything (or, really, anything) about traveling with toddlers. I'm...
Moms Day Out programs

Parents’ Day Out: Kid-free time for stay-at-home parents

Let's paint a picture. You, a stay-at-home-parent, occasionally find yourself daydreaming about sitting by yourself, drinking a hot (what's that?) beverage, scrolling through your social media...

Mama Said I’m Burned Out

Baby Mama Burnout. That’s what I call it. “BMB.” When a stay at home mom (or any mom, really) hasn’t had time away from...

Remembering Santaland

If you were a pre-90’s kid in the central Ohio area, you probably made at least one visit to the downtown Lazarus to visit...

Christmas in Columbus: Performances for the whole family

Now that Halloween is over, many of us have turned to planning family activities for the holiday season. Those 8 weeks between Halloween and...

‘Tricky’ things you can do with Halloween ‘treats’

Ah, October. That wonderful time of year when the weather starts to get a little chilly, everything under the sun is now available in...

Keep that jogging stroller out – It’s STILL race season!

Yes, it's hot. And for many of us, the last thing we want to think about doing in the good ol' Ohio heat and...

Saying Good-Bye to the Dream

I’ll be the first to admit; I was probably the world’s most naïve first- time mommy. In my defense, I didn’t have a lot...

“I Have Always Depended on the Kindness of Strangers.”

My original plan for this post was to write about my first experience taking a true family vacation with my two young children. I...