Summer is an wonderful time to enjoy the outdoors, so why not have a barbecue? Grilling is an excellent way to cook food in the summer, because you can avoid heating up your kitchen. Grilled foods are also healthier...
Summer is here, which means it's time to get out and everyone's favorite warm weather treat - ice cream! It can be easy to visit the same ice cream shops over and over again, especially once little kids pick...
Getting kids into the kitchen to help at an early age has so many benefits. I've found that cooking with kids helps my two little ones learn about listening, counting, tasting new foods as well as working on motor...
Food is my love language, I really enjoy cooking and eating a variety of foods. I tend to mix up my meal plans a lot, constantly rotating what we eat and trying new things. However, when it comes to...
This year has certainly brought about its fair share of uncertainty. As the holidays approach, my family is beginning to embark on our typical traditions, only this year, those traditions feel like they need tweaked a bit. Because we...
It’s that time of year. Time to dig out your favorite fancy dessert recipes, slave away in the kitchen making a beautiful dessert for a family dinner, only to have your kids take one look at your masterpiece and...
If your fall started out anything like ours, it probably included picking apples at a nearby fruit farm. And if you're anything like our family of three, 20 pounds of apples may be a lot to get through, especially...
Christmas Cookies

Decorating Cookies with Kids

Do you enjoy decorating cookies with your kids during the holiday season? Last year my good friend and I, who each have two kids the same age, decided to forgo  buying Christmas gifts for each others kids and to have...
With the temperature dropping outside I find myself wanting to curl up with a steaming bowl of soup to warm my body and soul. There are many reasons why I love soup-it easily feeds a crowd, leftovers reheat easily...
I always imagined myself as the mom who would serve her kids a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables at every meal. Their diets would be healthy and well rounded, and they would be open to tasting new foods...



In + Around Columbus

75+ Free Winter Break Activities

Winter break is here! Are you wondering how to fill up the entire two weeks? We have you covered! Here is our list of...