Insta-style inspiration

Among the myriad ways one could describe me, "stylish" probably would not crack the top 50. And I'm OK with that. Keep it simple, less regret. But a little effort into not feeling or looking dowdy can go a...
I recently created a kid-friendly closet and capsule wardrobe for my four-year-old. It's not because I'm trying to be trendy. It's because I no longer had the patience to deal with dressing my four-year-old on a daily basis. I created a...
The Short North isn't just for rowdy college students and hipsters in skinny jeans (or is it boyfriend jeans now? I can't keep track!)  The Short North is also for kids!  Try out these 5 kid-friendly venues in the Short...
I don’t care what the calendar says, spring begins on March 1, if only in my heart. With the unofficial change in seasons, it’s also time to think about transitioning your wardrobe for milder temps. I joined a style challenge...
In the first part of this series, I wrote about creating a more kid-friendly closet system. Although it's not imperative you read it before jumping into this one, you can read that post here. In the second part of...
About five years ago, I decided I was going to start buying “investment pieces” for my wardrobe. So instead of getting jeans from Target that wouldn’t look right after a few washes, I bought some from Nordstrom that were...



In + Around Columbus

75+ Free Winter Break Activities

Winter break is here! Are you wondering how to fill up the entire two weeks? We have you covered! Here is our list of...