I thought I had done my research about being a first time mom while I was pregnant. I read book after book, and joined a support group online with other first time moms. I glanced over the chapter about...
First off, I am very pro-breastfeeding. Second, I am very pro-formula feeding. Third, and most importantly, I am a huge fan of "you do you." Now that those views are out there... The other night I was sitting around with some friends having...
I recently sat down with, well, myself to ask and answer a few questions about the day-to-day life, thoughts, and motivations of a stay-at-home-mom (SAHM for those of you familiar with the mommy blogging world).  I hope you find...
  It’s the year 2016, and although there are so many ways in which we have progressed as a society, income equality is one of the many areas that still need to be addressed. Over the years I have attended...
Now that spring has arrived, it's time to spruce up our spaces with some bright and fresh new looks. If you're like me, you are constantly stalking at least 2 or 3 of your favorite interior designers on either...
Quick Disclaimer:  Much of this blog post is written tongue-in-cheek, and from my very personal standpoint.  My story is in no way intended to act as judgment upon anyone else's parenting choices or philosophy.  I hope y'all appreciate this...
First off, let me check my mommy privilege--I stay home with my kids by choice (though I could go into a lengthy diatribe about how in an ideal world I could seamlessly work part-time utilizing state-subsidized child care a la...
When I was pregnant, and for eight months after Baby Bean was born, we lived in a 900 square-foot, two bedroom, one bathroom apartment.  We were also living on a budget.  As a result, we were forced to reconcile...
Being a mom is a 365 days of the year job. NO paid vacation, NO sick leave, NO NOTHING ! It can be deemed as one of the most difficult and challenging jobs in the world. Ask other moms...
Who else is excited that yard sale season is upon us?!  As a bargain hunter who was raised on garage sales, I thought I'd share some tips for planning your very own clutter-clearing, money making weekend. Four Weeks Ahead: Pick...



In + Around Columbus

75+ Free Winter Break Activities

Winter break is here! Are you wondering how to fill up the entire two weeks? We have you covered! Here is our list of...