Westerville, OH, USA
34 West Main Street
My name is Nicole Johnson and I am a pediatric sleep consultant based in Westerville, Ohio, a suburb of Columbus, OH. I started The Baby Sleep Site in 2008, over 15 years ago, and have worked with thousands of parents over the years. I have extensive experience in the following:
- Sleep and Feeding Schedules
- Nap Transitions
- Frequent Night Waking
- Short Naps
- Sleep Regressions
- Gentle Sleep Coaching
- Sleep Training
- Night Weaning
- Early Waking
- Daycare
- Transition to Crib or Bed
- Helping Breastfeeding Moms
- Purposeful Bed-Sharing and Room-Sharing
- and More!
We strive to have a personalized, holistic approach since all children are unique. Our Personalized Sleep Plans are holistic, thorough, and focus on a gentler, kinder approach to better sleep. Contact us today for a free 15-minute sleep assessment!