I am Six
- Can you please buy me another pack of Pokemon? I just want other kids to play with me at school.
- Stop asking me how was my day! It was the same school day as yesterday. DUH!
- Did I miss out on a lot of fun stuff that my little brother and sister got to do while I was at school?
- I know I seem mean, but I’m just so crabby and tired after school.
- No, I’m not homeless. I just like wearing my clothes backwards with stains.
- I don’t want to wear my nice buttons down and khakis.
- I’m sorry, I stole the change off of your dresser again and took money from my sister’s piggy bank.
- No, I did not write “bog,” it is “dog.” It doesn’t matter which way the “d” goes.
- Please take the time to understand me. I’m changing, growing and becoming independent.
- No Grandma, I’m not making my bed! Can you make it for me, please?
- I just can’t decide which ice cream flavor to get? Superman, Vanilla, Chocolate, Chocolate Chip, there are just too many choices.
- Wait, I see another flavor. Peanut butter!
- Can I try just one more sample? I still can’t decide.
- Oh, you want me to do my homework now? OK, I’m going to eat a snack and play outside.
- I bet I’ll beat you to the bathroom first?
- I bet I can eat more cookies than you?
- Sometimes I just feel really insecure and just don’t want to be a failure. I want to be first and the best!
- Please give me lots of compliments and encouragement. When you do, I will give lots of love and compliments back.
- I can also be delightful and enthusiastic! Can we go on a bike ride, an amusement park, or do something really fun today?
- Don’t forget, I am the center of the universe. I am the center of your universe, right mom?
What to Do to Help Support Your Six-Year-Old
- Reversals and opposites. It is common for kindergarteners and even first graders to flip “b’s,” “d’s,” “p’s,” and “q’s.” It is also not unusual for your six-year-old to write a word backwards. If you or your child’s teacher are concerned, you may want to have further discussion with the teacher or pediatrician. It is still important for kids to practice writing letters and words in the correct direction. Offer help in a gentle and kind way.
- Limit snacks and have agreements. If possible have fresh fruit and vegetables available as a snack. This can alleviate your child’s hunger pains and your desire for your six-year-old to stop asking for snacks. Come up with a list with your child of foods that can be available and during what times.
- Special time. During the six-year-old stage, your child may not listen to requests and shut down, so connection is extremely important, at all stages, but especially for a six-year-old. Find a time of day set aside just for your child. It needs to only be ten minutes per day and does not need to be a big outing. Ten minutes could be reading a book together. Carve aside the time and call it special time, as to make your child feel special.
- Break down tasks and work together. When your six-year-old dawdles and appears to be slow at completing simple tasks, offer to break the task down and offer to “work together,” to get the task completed.
- Set up expectations. Help your six-year-old feel secure and not anxious. The first year of school can be fun and scary. Your six-year-old needs to feel safe, especially at home. Routines and consistency are very important. Also, help your six-year-old be successful at school and learn how to organize folders, lunch, books, and book bag the night before.
- Make clear rules and follow through. Set clear guidelines as to when to go to bed, how long to watch television, how many snacks to eat, and how much craft supplies to get out.
- Teach patience and be a team player. Give your six-year-old the opportunity to allow others to go first or be first. Only have healthy competitions with you and your child and not with other children or siblings. For example,” Let’s see who can run faster to the car, you kids or mommy?” Remind your six-year-old that no one is interested in who is first to brush teeth or eat their ice cream.
- Encourage your child. This is a critical time to develop confidence with friends, schoolwork and activities. Remind your six-year-old what a hard-working kindergartener he is and that you have confidence he will be successful. Write notes of encouragement in your six-year-old’s lunch box. Remind him when you see him after school that “our family is now complete” to make him feel needed and loved!
- You are an amazing parent. Remember that and repeat at the end of each day!
To find out more about six-year-olds click here.