During this back-to-school season, one of the most important things you can do is establish a positive parent-teacher relationship. Not only will it be comforting to know who your child is spending time with it will also set your child up for a successful year.
As a mom and teacher, I’ve been in both positions. Here are some quick and easy ways to make a connection with your child’s teacher. Thanks to La Petite Academy® for sponsoring this post.
Attend Back to School Events
Make it a priority to attend any Open House or Meet the Teacher opportunities. It is always nice to be able to put a name and a face together so make sure you introduce yourself and chat for a bit.
Reach out within the First Few Weeks of School
Consider sending an email about a positive experience your child had, something memorable or funny they’ve said about their school day or thanking the teacher for working with your child. Not only will this make the teacher’s day, but it will also set you apart from other parents and help to establish rapport early on.
Offer to Help
Perhaps you have an interest in helping the teacher out in the classroom. This is a nice way for you to get an inside glimpse into the classroom routine and get to know your child’s classmates. The teacher will appreciate anything you do to help and this will give the teacher more time to focus their time and attention to their true area of expertise.
If you aren’t able to come into the classroom, there are lots of things you can do at home. For some ideas, check out this link helping the teacher when you can’t come into the classroom.
Give a compliment
We all know how flattering it feels to be praised. Is there something hanging in the room that caught your eye or something impressive that your child has learned? If so, make sure to mention it the next time you see them or send an email. If they really go above and beyond let the principal know too.
Stay in the Know
Read teacher and school newsletters, information posted in your child’s digital portfolio, report cards, updates on the class website or social media pages, and SCOUR their backpack frequently to uncover any crumbled (and probably important) tidbits of information.
Sometimes I wonder if newsletters, pictures and Facebook updates I send reach the parents. Commenting on something you read or saw not only shows the teacher that you read it but also shows you care. I can tell you first hand the more feedback I get the more time I will spend keeping parents informed.
Talk Positively About the Teacher
If there’s ever a reason that you are upset with your child’s teacher or disagree with them, it’s a great idea to reach out to the teacher first for clarification. Often children come home with incorrect information or misunderstood something, so when in doubt, ask the teacher directly to talk through the issue.
Remember that your child is listening and hearing what you say so make every effort to refrain from talking negatively about their teacher or other school personnel in front of your child, especially because there is a good chance they might repeat it to others.
Bonus: Give a small token of appreciation
Although not necessary, I am always pleasantly surprised and grateful when students present me with something that shows they were thinking of me. It can be handmade or brought in from home such as a card, tomato or flower grown from the garden or something small purchased like Post-it notes for the classroom. Snag this free colorful teacher gift tag that you can attach to many items.
A Message from our Sponsors at La Petite Academy
What a great place to start. We offer nurturing care and creative learning experiences. At La Petite Academy®, your child will discover respect, collaboration, and the joy of learning. Our exclusive School Readiness Pathway charts each child’s unique course to elementary school and future academic success, with a specialized curriculum and developmentally appropriate programs for infants to school-age students. With our STEM curriculum, science, technology, engineering, and math are part of everything we do in the classroom. Discover enhanced learning opportunities through elective programs (such as Spanish and yoga), before- and after-school programs, and, in the summer, Camp Innovate. Plus, our Grow Fit® initiative ensures the complete well-being of your growing child through a focus on health, nutrition, and fitness. Enroll now and receive Free Registration or $150 off tuition. Must enroll and attend by September 7. Call to schedule a tour at 877.861.5078 or online at LaPetite.com.
For more parenting tips and insight into early education from the experts at La Petite Academy, be sure to check out their Learning Together Blog.
School starts in just a few weeks and I’m excited to get to know a whole new group of students and their families. I really do cherish the relationships that are formed each year. I plan on following these tips to establish a positive parent-teacher relationship with my children’s teachers.