10 Ways to Reclaim your Pre-Baby Body

A big thanks to our partners at Aesthetica Surgery and Spa for providing this information.

So, you’ve prepped the nursery, read all the baby books, given birth, and are finally getting into the groove of things with a newborn. Now it’s time to start focusing a little on yourself! Here are a few tips for getting your body in shape after pregnancy:

Meal Prep

Planning your meals can be intimidating; however, it can save time, money, and calories in the long run. It will prevent you from ordering takeout or making frozen dinners, which typically are not the healthiest choices. Because you have a specific list of items you need, meal prepping also prevents impulse buys that can run up your grocery bill.

Cut Down on Evening Screen Time

You need sleep to keep you energized and productive throughout the day. Unfortunately, phones, laptops, and tablets are affecting your sleep more than you realize. The blue light from your devices suppresses melatonin, which is the hormone that controls your sleep. Not only that, but checking your phone before bed keeps your mind alert, which tricks your brain into thinking you need to stay up. Keep your electronics in a drawer at night—out of sight, out of mind.

Hydrate 24/7

Aim for drinking at least half your body weight in ounces and try to drink one full glass before each snack and meal. Water is essential for all bodily functions, including digestion. Water also acts as a weight-loss aid because it will fill you up, so you don’t overeat. Keep a reusable water bottle with you at all times—work, the gym, running errands, etc.

Download At-Home Fitness Apps

Getting to the gym can be nearly impossible when you have a little one. Try a workout app! These programs have tons of workouts that last anywhere from 5 minutes to 1 hour—and you can do them from the comfort of your own home. It is much easier to squeeze in a quick sweat session when you don’t have to worry about transportation time or childcare.

Say NO to Processed Foods

Skip the empty-calorie foods like sodas and chips. These will not only make you gain more weight but can also have long-term negative health effects. Instead, aim to eat a variety of lean protein, whole grains, organic fruit and veggies, beans, and nuts. In situations where you think you will be tempted with these types of foods, try to eat before or bring your own snacks.

Wear a Postpartum Girdle

Wearing a girdle or waist trainer can help your body bounce back quickly, shrinking your tummy and love handles. Kim Kardashian and other celebrities swear by these corset-like devices.

Eat Lean Protein with Every Meal

It’s no secret that protein keeps you fuller longer than refined sugar and processed carbs. Try to sneak some into every meal so you don’t find yourself hungry between meals. Top your salads with white-meat chicken, cottage cheese, or a hard-boiled egg for a protein packed lunch.

Schedule a Consultation

Getting rid of excess skin and fat can be difficult after pregnancy, and you deserve to feel confident and beautiful. According to board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Anne Taylor, a “mommy makeover” at her Columbus, OH, practice is a customizable procedure that can help restore your body using advanced body and breast contouring techniques. If you want to learn more about your surgical options, contact her office.

Go for a Stroller Walk after Dinner

After dinner take the kids out for an evening stroll. It’s a nice way to wind down before bedtime and burn a couple extra calories after a meal.

Stay Positive & be Patient

Restoring your body can be a challenging and long journey. Remember that good things take time … and that your body won’t go back to normal overnight.