Each year, Earth Day is celebrated in 193 countries on April 22. Worldwide events are held to demonstrate support for environmental protection. Did you know there are numerous events taking place right here in Columbus to celebrate? What’s even better is that many of the events involve family time! Check out the list below for ways to participate, help, and create memories in your neighborhoods or even in the convenience of your backyard!
Earth Day Events in Columbus
Celebrate Earth Day with Seeds of Caring: April 13, 2019, from 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. at Woodward Park | Seeds of Caring and Woodward Park Recreation Center are excited to provide this opportunity for kids and their families to give back in celebration of Earth Day. Event activities will include: preparing and planting the center’s educational garden, litter clean-up, making wildflower seed bombs, decorating brown paper grocery bags with Earth Day messages, and more! Join us for an afternoon of meaningful Earth Day fun!
Earth Day Celebration in Downtown Columbus: April 20, 2019, from 12:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. in Genoa Park | Join in rain or shine at their new location at Genoa Park downtown for a day-long celebration featuring local music, family-friendly activities, eco-friendly artisans, and Columbus’ best food trucks. Earth Day Week in the city of Columbus, takes place from April 13- April 20 with a number of volunteer opportunities to sign up for. For more information on volunteering, see their website below. There are SO many to choose from!
Website: Columbus Earth Day Volunteer Sites
Earth Day Garden Party in Worthington, Ohio– April 20, 2019, from 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.| Join the families of Worthington for Make a Local Difference Day at the Northwest Library. They will distribute tree and shrub seedlings as well as some native perennials. There will also be opportunities to prepare the library gardens for the growing season.
Earth Day Festival in Westerville– April 20, 2019, from 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. | Come to the Columbus and Franklin Metro Park to celebrate our planet with a variety of family-friendly activities and service opportunities. Meet at the Nature Center.
Earth Day in Dublin, Ohio– April 20-27, 2019 | Several activities will take place this week including waste collection day, a service project and passing out free tree seedlings. See their website for more information!
Earth Day in Gahanna, Ohio– April 27, 2019, from 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. | Join the city to plant trees and for other park landscape projects. New West Side Park ribbon cutting ceremony will take place after!
Earth Day at the Zoo: April 27, 2019, from 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. | The Columbus Zoo will also be celebrating all that mother nature has done for us! Don’t forget to take a trip to the Conservation Courtyard to visit with the Metroparks, Delaware Conservation District and many other organizations!
Earth Day in Hilliard, Ohio: April 27, 2019, from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. | The City of Hilliard is planning a fun and educational celebration of Earth Day. They will have fun activities for the kids and residents can learn about composting, energy efficiency, water conservation, and more. They will also be hosting several recycling drives and coordinating volunteers for litter pick-ups.
While there are many events all around the city to celebrate and honor our great planet, some of the best lessons can be taught right in your backyard and neighborhood. Below are a list of ideas to do with your kids and teach them about taking care of our beloved Planet Earth!
Earth Day Ideas
- Plant a tree in your back yard. Your kids will be amazed as it grows each year and becomes their special tree.
- Take a walk around the neighborhood and pick up trash along the way. Talk to your kids about the importance of keeping our Earth clean and why we should help! Or, head to one of our amazing Metro Parks and help pick up trash there.
- Take a nature scavenger hunt. Use the print out here and your kids will have a blast! Earth Day Scavenger Hunt
- Make a birds’ nest craft. You can gather leaves, rocks, grass, twigs and anything a bird would use to build a nest. Use these materials and play-doh and your kids can create their own bird nests. We had a blast with this activity!
Gather up items around the yard such as twigs, grass, leaves, so that your kids can create their own birds’ nests with play-doh! - Have your children take the items to the recycling bin all week long. Be sure to talk about the things we can recycle and the importance of recycling.
- Read a story about recycling or taking care of the environment. For a list of great books to check out at the library, use the link here. Books to read on Earth Day
- Take the kids outside and get your garden planted for summer. It may be a bit early for this, but just getting the area prepped and soil ready will get your kids involved. This is a great way to get your kids to make healthy food choices as well! Read more about: Gardening with Children
- Make recycled crafts- Paper towel rolls, toilet paper rolls, magazines, newspaper- you name it! Painting these items or making them into a collage would be a fun way to incorporate using recycled materials.
- Have your kids create a Fairy Garden- Your kids can use their imagination and have endless hours of make-believe play. You can start by using an old pot and add different birdhouses and accessories (seashells, marbles, twigs, buttons, etc.) to it. Your kids will love the home they create and can come back to visit and play often!
- Make a pine cone and peanut butter bird feeder- Completing this project will allow your kids to appreciate the creatures in their own backyard. You can spend time together as a family watching who comes by for a tasty snack!