This post was sponsored by Goldfish Swim School – Dublin and Goldfish Swim School – Westerville, but all the opinions expressed here are totally my own.
We stayed around town for spring break, and with two active kiddos and lousy, un-spring-like weather, I thought a Jump Start Clinic at Goldfish Swim School would be a smart option to keep them occupied.
My oldest hadn’t taken a lesson in about a year and hadn’t been in a pool in months. I figured it wouldn’t hurt to have a crash course refresher for him so he (and I) would be ready to go when Memorial Day Weekend rolled around.
My younger kiddo has been rocking his lessons the past couple years, but was stalled on one particular skill, so for him, I figured daily practice could give him the nudge he needed to move up a level.
And with both of them at the same level, I figured if nothing else, their competitive natures would push them as much as the instructors would. They were excited to be in the water together (I’ll admit it – I was nervous, because – brothers).
So yeah, I knew the clinic would be beneficial, but I honestly had no idea how much they could exceed my expectations. Regular weekly lessons are great, but 5 days in a row makes a WORLD of difference like you wouldn’t believe. I wish I’d thought to do before and after footage!
(Added plus: these boys slept HARD! If you have early risers, try this workout to get them to sleep in!)
They loved their instructor and throughout the week, previous teachers they’d had come by to cheer them on (this was so sweet to see and so encouraging to them!). They also behaved! Those teachers really know how to manage kiddos – even the orneriest of brothers!
By the end of the week, both boys mastered the skills of their level and were able to move up to Star. Big brother perfected his backstroke – straight arms and bubbly toes – and the younger one was finally able to tread for a full minute.
They were just as proud of and thrilled with their progress as I was!
The next Jump Start Clinic is scheduled for the week of June 4, 2018 (more info for Dublin and Westerville locations). Don’t forget about Family Swim Events, too!
If you’re looking for a quick way to gain more confidence before they dive into the deep end this summer, get in touch with Goldfish Swim School and sign up today!