Anyone else feel like you’re seeing all these posts of moms with all this “extra free time” due to the quarantine? And then kind of find yourself feeling like you’re having the opposite problem? Our work loads have increased and transitioned to home, our daughter is home from daycare, it’s been raining more often than not, stress from a global pandemic is interrupting our sleep and we are just. plain. worn. out.
So when I was offered this amazing product from Propello Life that says it’ll give you more energy… I jumped on that train immediately! Though, in a world of grocery store aisles jam-packed with health drink options that promise everything under the sun, it’s safe to say I started this challenge with a healthy dose of skepticism.
I had my first glass of “Energy + Focus” around 6:30 a.m. before a morning run. I took my first few sips and thought, “Oh, alright, I can get on board with this.” As I went into my workout feeling pretty good, I still wasn’t sure what to expect from the drink. But about a half hour later, and after my fastest run in months, I was definitely on board. My energy has been loooow lately with all the stress our society is experiencing; I’ve just been dragging. It felt physically good to have the extra boost from the supplements, vitamins and caffeine and felt mentally good to power through a tough workout.
My second glass (it’s so good I had more than I technically needed to…) was before we went for a long walk in our neighborhood. After our walk I had to get about 5 hours of uninterrupted work done holed up in our basement and I flew through my to-do list! Afterwards I thought, “Those work tasks went by really well… for an exhausted Thursday.” I wondered how I was feeling more focused and energized and remembered… “THE DRINK!” I ran upstairs to tell my husband, “Ok, I actually think it’s helping with my focus, too!”
Normally I’m not a powdered drink fan, as the fake sweeteners in them tend to give me headaches. Propello Life products, however, are all natural (nothing artificial), non-gmo, and have no added sugar. Which is probably a big part of why “Energy + Focus” from Propello Life left me feeling ready to tackle great workouts and long to-do lists without the headache.
If you’re finding it tough to manage everything that comes along with a global pandemic (or even just normal days as a parent…) “Energy + Focus” will absolutely give you that little boost AND be a change up from drinking water (or all the wine). Take care of you during this extra stressful time! Take care of you with some Propello Life!