Why I am a proud Pinterest mama
Why do I spend what seems like hours scrolling through Pinterest, pinning things I can just buy? Why can’t I just cut oranges slices and bring apple juice for A1’s soccer team snack? Why can’t I just throw chips and dip into a bowl and set it on my counter for the party? One word: PINTEREST. But, why? Why do I Pinterest?
My previous life was more competitive than my current life.
I used to be a competitive athlete and now I stay at home. Do not misunderstand that sentence; I LOVE being at home but I still have that “killer instinct” inside of me that has to be satisfied. I like to attempt challenges, nail them, then stand back and gloat to Husband.
I don’t have year-end numbers or goals to meet.
I don’t have a “year-end number to reach” or “end of the quarter” or “goals” (these are all terms I have heard Husband use!) So for me, my turn as ‘Snack Mom” is my “end of quarter,” my “goal, ” or my “Superbowl.” Yes, I could buy Goldfish crackers or an applesauce pouch and kids would eat them. But instead I take those same snacks, punch a hole into them, string them through soccer ball ribbon and BAM! You have a post game snack necklace that can all be thrown away with no mess! Kids get a cool, super fun way to enjoy food and parents have no clean up. That’s what you call a win-win in my book!
Two words: HOBBY LOBBY.
Hobby Lobby has everything you need to successfully bring almost every Pinterest project to life. But if you don’t nail the project then you go back to Hobby Lobby and buy the professionally made project you were trying to attempt! Sometimes even pulling it off as your own. That said husband mentioned earlier also likes to sit back and gloat when #pinterestfails happen!!!
“Don’t you have anything else to do with your time?”
My response to this dumb question is NO. I am a stay at home mom so MY JOB IS TO GO ALL OUT on my kid’s activities, crafts and school holiday parties.
It’s a life lesson for my kids.
A1 sees me take a list to the store, only purchase (usually) what’s on the list, then we go home and follow the directions to make the project. We don’t always have to buy the things at the store that sometimes it’s fun to make it yourselves. If you don’t get the first one right, you try again. If you don’t get the second one right, you laugh together, then go back to the store!!!