I Am Seven!
- I am in my middle childhood! Over the younger childhood stage- Woo Hoo!
- I think this means I can drive soon, right? How about buy a car?
- I’m really, really good at riding my bike fast. I can certainly drive fast too. Let’s go for a ride to COSI.
- Fine, you are just being mean. I’ll just go in my room for a bit and read “Harry Potter.”
- Watch what I can do, it’s called “The Floss!”
- No mom, it has nothing to do with flossing your teeth, and yes, I did floss my teeth this morning.
- Freddie today at school said that my teeth were really big, too big for my face.
- He is so mean. He is always making fun of me.
- I have the worst luck that I have to sit by him at school.
- Hmm… maybe he is having a hard time.
- I could help him with his writing. I erased my story five times about “Ant Eating Ballerina” until it was perfect!
- Did you know anteaters could grow up to seven feet tall?!
- How many more days until my field trip to the metro parks to catch bugs?
- 25 days?! Hmmm…. I think I’ll make a countdown calendar and tape it on my wall so that all the paint peels off when I take it down.
- Mom, here is a note for you to tell you how much I miss you when I’m at school.
- Can I weed outside or mop the floors for some extra money? I really want to buy a car. Or maybe I’ll just buy some stones or gems to collect.
- Let’s count my special coins, then my gems, and then my shell collection. Won’t that be fun?!
- I really don’t want to do anything else. I don’t want to try to play soccer or basketball.
- I’ll do those things when I’m eight. I might even play the piano next year.
- Will you still read to me? Can we read “Harry Potter” while you scratch my back and lay down next to me? I love you.
How to support your seven-year-old
Listen to your seven-year-old and their experiences at school and try to understand their feelings. Listen to who they are playing with and give them opportunities to get together with friends and invite them over to your house.
Give lots of hugs and kisses and continue to read stories to your seven-year-old. Even though she may be reading on her own, reading together as a family is still important.
Chores and Allowance.
Chores can give your seven-year-old a sense of belonging. Make sure that they are age-appropriate and offer to “do it together.” Avoid connecting allowance to chores. The allowance should be an agreed amount by the family in advance. According to Jane Nelson from Positive Discipline, an allowance can be a great way to teach children about money. It can be helpful if there are special jobs for your seven-year-old to complete to earn additional money, such as washing windows or the car.
Your seven-year-old may seem shy at this stage, this could be developmental or personality, either way, don’t use the word “shy.” Support your child by giving him opportunities to feel comfortable by arriving early, giving him space to speak up without talking for him, and role play so your child can practice what he might say in certain situations.
Saying “I have bad luck.”
Ask your child to tell you more about that. Remind your child that sometimes-bad things happen that they can’t control. Ask if you and your seven-year-old can make a list of things that they are good at and what to be grateful for. Then make a list of things your seven-year-old would like to change and if there are realistic ways you can support her.
Overcoming failure.
If your seven-year-old appears to have a fear of failure, emphasize his effort rather than being “smart” or having a certain “ability.” Remind your seven-year-old that you love her for who she is, no matter what grades she gets or how many friends she has. Model self-compassion with yourself.
Health and Safety.
Give your child the opportunity to make healthy choices of food by keeping healthy food in the house and having your child make his lunch. Please make sure that you supervise your seven-year-old on the Internet. This is a tricky age where your child may stumble upon pornography or violent photos that her young brain may not be able to handle. Also, limit screen time.
This is a great age to teach your seven-year-old about being a good citizen. Encourage your child by cleaning litter, giving Halloween candy to men and women who serve our country, helping with a food drive, etc.
Incorporate math by playing games in the grocery store, on road trips and measuring in the kitchen. Make math fun! Have your seven-year-old try to trick you with a math problem.
Take care of yourself.
You are an amazing parent.
To find out more about seven-year-olds click here.