Happy Father’s Day, Happy 12 Year Anniversary: A thank you letter to my husband
Our life is hectic and chaotic and messy and moves a million miles a minute. It’s also perfect and wonderful and hilarious, and truly so much fun. The mess and fun and love wouldn’t be possible without you, and that’s something I don’t tell you nearly (or ever) enough. Until now.
It’s fitting that this year, Father’s Day falls on the same day as our 12 year wedding anniversary. My promise to you is to ensure you know how grateful I am for you, and how thankful I am to have you by my side. Starting right now.
Thank you.
Thank you for telling me that I’m a great mom every day, even on the days I second guess myself.
Thank you for being Samantha’s hero – and mine too.
Thank you for always putting your family first, despite your busy and demanding career.
Thank you for being the best #GirlDad there is.
Thank you for playing hours of Pretty, Pretty Princess, and always letting the three-year-old princess of the house win.
Thank you for holding me and crying alongside of me during my miscarriages.
Thank you for ensuring you know the names of all the Disney princesses so you can have an informed conversation with Samantha.
Thank you for rolling over after I jab you in the side while you’re snoring.
Thank you for remembering the important things….
And for remembering the non-important things, like the names of all of Peppa Pig’s friends (this might seem unimportant to us, but so very important to Samantha.)
Thank you for hand-washing so many baby bottles, and so many breast pump parts, so I didn’t have to.
Thank you for letting me shop for dress clothes for you. I love you but you couldn’t match a shirt, tie and pants if your life depended on it.
Thank you for knowing “the look.” You know, the look I give you which is code for “you and Samantha are both driving me absolutely nuts go find something to do – go to the park, go for a drive just GO SOMEWHERE ELSE.”
Thank you for always grabbing me a pack of licorice when it’s that time of the month (because you know it’s my favorite.)
Thank you for making me a better mom.
Thank you for putting the dishes away every morning.
Thank you for being all my strength – especially during these tough months as we navigate this “new normal.”
Thank you for making me laugh. You’re obnoxious, but also so damn hilarious.
Thank you for always walking the dog at 3 am when she needs to go out. (I have NO interest seeing that dumb raccoon that strolls into our yard every night.)
Thank you for dressing up like Prince Charming for Halloween. It was only fair since I was dressed up like the Fairy Godmother and Samantha was, naturally, Cinderella.
Thank you for being the best part of my every day.
Thank you for not only taking care of me and Samantha, but for caring for so many kiddos who look up to you, Mr. DeCastro, their elementary school principal.
Thank you for joining me during all the late night feedings to change diapers and rock Samantha back to sleep.
Thank you for doing the laundry.
Thank you for always humoring me despite how crazy my ideas may be — like deciding to rearrange the basement at midnight or having the entire house painted a week before Christmas.
Thank you for not letting all the slime…and glitter…and sequins and paint that’s all over the house bother you (well, you say it doesn’t bother you…but I know better.)
Thank you for never missing an OBGYN appointment with me — The ones when we found out I was pregnant with Samantha, all the check-ups, and the three times we together heard the words, “There isn’t a heartbeat any longer….I’m sorry, you’ve lost the baby.”
Thank you for always smiling during ALL the family photos we take. I know we take a lot…
Thank you for letting me quit my full-time job so I could be home with Samantha a little bit more – despite financial sacrifices we’ve had to make.
Thank you for helping every night with bedtime. I could count on one hand the number of nights you missed the bedtime routine, and Samantha is THREE.
Thank you for choosing me and marrying me 12 years ago.
Thank you for loving me and for loving Samantha with everything you have.
Samantha is so lucky to have you as her dad, and I’m so lucky to have you both.
And while a simple “thank you” just doesn’t seem like enough for everything you do, thank you… for everything, Matt.
Happy Father’s Dad to the best dad there is… and Happy 12 year anniversary to the best husband there is.