Andrea Connell
Join a CSA this Summer!
What is Community Supported Agriculture?
Have you heard of Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)? Our family is participating in a CSA with a local farm this...
Introducing Solids with Baby Led Weaning
My second baby recently turned six months old, (which went so fast!) so it’s time to begin feeding him solid foods. I haven’t been...
Open Gym and Open Play Roundup
There are so many fun places to take kids in the Columbus area, that sometimes it’s hard to choose what to do on a...
National Pet Day
Many of us parents have other “babies” in our home…our pets! April 11th is National Pet Day, a day to celebrate our furry (or...
Why I Love My Tiny House
Our house is old and tiny. When we purchased it five years ago, we didn’t really take future children into consideration; we now have...
Open Play Round-Up
There are so many fun places to take kids in the Columbus area that sometimes it’s hard to choose what to do on a...
In Defense of Screen Time
In the digital world we live in today, screen time is pretty unavoidable for anyone. Besides TV and movies, we have tablets, iPads, smartphones,...
Balancing Body Image and Being Healthy
I have several nieces and nephews, and the oldest of my nieces are 13 and almost 10. They are in the middle of puberty...
A Few of My Favorite Grandview Area Spots
My family lives in a little neighborhood that’s close to Grandview, campus, and Upper Arlington. It’s also a very short drive to Harrison West/Victorian...
Beer Me! Local Brewery Roundup-Downtown Edition
Columbus is home to many fun, unique breweries. Sometimes you just need to relax and drink a craft beer (uninterrupted by children) with other...