Be Kind
I feel like, as a society, we spend a lot of time talking about kindness. We teach our children to be kind, we give to charity, we talk about the kindness of strangers, paying it forward, and being...
We have all been there. Your friend is telling a story and you completely relate to the topic. You wait for that pause when you can interject your own experience or advice. You know just what to say and...
Dear Babies,
I’m so sorry that we are getting a divorce. I never wanted this to happen. I never thought this could happen. Years ago, I fully intended to raise you in a loving, two-parent environment that would be ideal...
The loss of a parent is something I wish on no one, and yet, I can’t help but think the grief and the loss have somehow enveloped me with a perspective I wish I had sooner. Below is a...
Why didn't you just leave before you cheated? What if you had said, "This isn't satisfying for me anymore." You said you had felt like this for years. Clearly it was even before we had kids. Did you think...
My grandma came out to our new house for a visit to see everything since we’d just moved. She was talking to my daughter, who is two, and my daughter of course asks questions about everything like a good...
On January 22, 2020, I received a call from my mom that I had only imagined in my wildest nightmares. My dad tragically died in an automobile accident. A split second, a crashing impact and head trauma that caused...
Before I became pregnant with my first child, I had a close-knit group of girlfriends. We spent a lot of time together as couples and just us girls. We went to concerts, dinner dates, ballgames and spent Sunday hosting...
You see another child coming to the park and shout, “Hey friend!” You look at me and say, “Mommy, there’s a new baby coming here!” When the child gets out of the car and walks to the front of...
We are officially four months into the year - how are your New Year's resolutions holding up? Are you eating healthier? Working out consistently? Unplugging more? Me either. I stopped setting resolutions a few years ago - they just...