Chelsea Skaggs

Chelsea Skaggs
Chelsea is a postpartum coach and advocate who helps prepare women in the third trimester and support them through their first year of postpartum. Chelsea has a fiery advocacy heart and mind and is committed to keeping the conversation around motherhood real. She is a mom to two toddlers and can often be found juggling her coffee, the diaper bag, and two little ones throughout Columbus. You can follow more on her personal site: Strive Less Live More
campgrounds near Columbus

Family Camping within 1.5 Hours of Columbus

Maybe your family has enjoyed camping for years or maybe, in the light of social distancing and canceled activities, you’re looking for a way...
Mom with new baby- pelvic floor therapy

5 Ways My Life Improved After Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy

Many thanks to our friends at Fitness Matters for sponsoring this post. To learn more about the Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy offered at Fitness...
loaf of sourdough bread

Sourdough: Finding My Peaceful Place in the Kitchen

My Kitchen Skills are Messy No one will ever confuse me for a world-famous baker. One of my favorite things about having toddlers is that...
working with hormone cycles

Working With Your Hormones

I'm Driven, but Not Always This week, I’m behind on deadlines and my motivation is squelched. This is not like me. I am an Enneagram 3...
alone time

Revisiting My First Loves

With Valentine’s Day, there are plenty of commercials about dates and gifts. While some women may swoon over the diamonds, flowers and elegant date...

It’s Okay Momma, I’ll Help You Be Brave

As we were hugging tightly under the bedspread, pretending to tremble with fear he told me monsters were coming and we had to hide...
shaming yourself when eating holiday foods isn't a good idea

Five Food Phrases to Avoid During Holiday Gatherings

We live in a day and society that makes money from our self-loathing, specifically when it comes to our bodies and image. This is...

Motherhood: We Weren’t Meant To Do This Alone

Hey momma- Do you ever feel like the amount of things that are expected of you as a part of motherhood is just impossible given...
self-care during pregnancy

6 Acts of Self-Care During Pregnancy

So you’re pregnant- woohoo! Thoughts flood your mind of how you’re going to take care of your little one from this day forward. In...

Dear Dairy Free Breastfeeding Momma

Dear Dairy-Free Breastfeeding Momma: To the moms who make milk but can’t drink dairy: I feel you.  Before having my first child, I was prepared to...