
Cindy was born and raised in the northern ‘burbs of Chicago, and met her husband in kindergarten (though they weren’t allowed to date until 11th grade). After “surviving” the long-distance during college, she got married at 24 and lived it up traveling for fun and working as a Writer/Communication Consultant for 15 years. In 2012 she was honored with another title of (advanced maternal age) Mom. Juggling a new baby and a full-time career, Cindy thought she had it all figured out, until fall 2013 when her husband said he wanted to take a promotion in Columbus, OH. After looking Columbus up on a map, some intense crying and Googling (oh, there’s some big college there?), and one whirlwind house hunting trip, her family moved 300 miles to Dublin, OH. As if that wasn’t enough, Cindy stopped working and then found out she was expecting…twin girls! As the Queen Consultant of the house, Cindy works closely with her team of Princess Consultants (ages 4 and 2x2) to help them do and be their best. She frequently travels (to preschools and playgrounds), knows every word to the household mission (Let it Go), writes (killer grocery lists and the ABCs), drinks (leftover milk but prefers bourbon), and sings (anything and everything). She’s a lover of vinyl records, the northwoods of Wisconsin, and The Wonder Years. When she’s not managing her team and going on field trips, you can find her all over C-bus with her husband and friends enjoying the food and culture—and she can’t wait to share it all on CMB!
Dublin, Ohio

A Love Letter to Dublin, Ohio

Dear Dublin, Writing this is a lot harder than I expected. When we first met a little over three years ago, on a frigid late...

Hello, My Name is Mom and I Have a Chronic Illness

16+  years ago, I became a woman with a chronic illness. But just when I thought I had a little more control of my...

Why Kids’ Music is Banned in My Car (and it Should Be in Yours,...

Ok, ok, that sounds harsh. But really, isn’t driving around with three kids ages four and under enough “fun” without adding insult to injury?...