Jen Franklin Kearns

Jen Franklin Kearns
Jen Franklin Kearns grew up in Central Ohio and is pleased to raise her family here as well. She and her husband Mark reside in Delaware and are parents to Alex, Addie, and Andrew. Their home is completed by their loyal beagle, Maisey. Jen is a social media analyst for a local family foundation, and she is also a passionate advocate for inclusion and disability rights. Jen’s oldest son, Alex, has Down syndrome and Jen works tirelessly to ensure that Alex has access to inclusive opportunities in their community. Jen and Mark are raising their children to know that that inclusion matters for all. When Jen isn’t advocating, writing, or shuttling her kids back and forth to sports practices or club meetings, she enjoys perusing social media, reading, and drinking large amounts of coffee.
Volunteer in Columbus

Lend a Hand in 2024!

Make Volunteering Your New Year's Resolution! Now that we are a few months into 2024, have you thought about your New Year's Resolution? Fitness, nutrition,...

I Have Teenagers, and an Elf Still Visits Our House for the Holidays

I recently sat through a presentation during which several prominent Central Ohio employers shared about the careers their companies can offer. It was fascinating...
World Down Syndrome Day

What I Want You to Know on World Down Syndrome Day

World Down Syndrome Day is recognized on March 21st; the date, 3/21, signifies the three copies of the 21st chromosome present in Trisomy 21,...
teenage trick-or-treating

Rules for My Teenaged Trick-or-Treaters

Growing up, Halloween was always the pinnacle of fall. We counted down the days until Trick-or-Treat. How could you not get excited over the...

Stumbling Back to Normal

Before March 2020, my household normal was full of bustling commotion. There weren’t many days on the big whiteboard calendar in the kitchen that were...

Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic

What A Year As we welcomed March back, it was difficult not to remember the anniversary of the pandemic. We have experienced many challenging hardships...

My Wish for World Down Syndrome Day 2021

Every year on March 21st, we recognize World Down Syndrome Day. The date is significant, as the 3/21 represents the three copies of the...
end of virtual learning

A Mother’s Reflection on the Return of In-Person Schooling

On March 12, 2020, my kids left their school buildings thinking they would return to in person schooling after a three day weekend. Little did...
Christmas desserts

Revamping Holiday Traditions with Hudsonville Ice Cream

This year has certainly brought about its fair share of uncertainty. As the holidays approach, my family is beginning to embark on our typical...
puppy pandemic

The Joys of a Pandemic Puppy

Like many families this year, we found our world quickly changed in mid-March. We went from having at least one activity each evening (and...