Jenny Barr
An Imperfect Mom’s Approach to a Healthy Diet
Healthy Food for Our Kids
Sometimes feeding our kids healthy food is hard. I see all the ideas for healthy snacks (like my child would...
Do the Parenting Years Really Fly By?
“Enjoy it because it will all go by so quickly.”
We have all heard this nugget of advice in regards to raising our children. Is...
Four Tips For Keeping New Year’s Resolutions
New Year's resolutions. We make them with the best of intentions, wanting to be our best selves. Unfortunately, when the initial excitement wears off...
Cultivating Acceptance and Gratitude for Having an Only Child
Feel It
Many people happily choose to have only one child, some do not feel so positive about it. I fall into the latter category....
Hope for Pushing Through Shyness
I am the friend who pops in and out of your life. I’ll respond to messages (usually), but may not reach out to you...