Jenny Barr

Jenny Barr
Jenny was raised in Ohio, and after a decade long stay in Boston, moved to Columbus in 2016. She moved to Massachusetts alone but returned with the two loves of her life: her husband whom she married in 2012, and her daughter who was born in March of 2014. You could say the trip to the northeast was a successful one. Her top reasons for coming home were family, weather, traffic, and housing prices. Jenny lives for time spent with her little family of three. The trio has had so much fun exploring all that Columbus has to offer since moving to the area. Jenny looks forward to sharing her favorite spots in Columbus; as well as her knowledge and experiences of how mental health impacts parents and children; and what it is like raising an only child. She works as a counselor, reads at least two books weekly, and loves to practice yoga when time and energy allow. The key to a good day for Jenny is her morning routine: early morning cuddles with her daughter and enjoying a good cup of coffee before the craziness of life begins.

An Imperfect Mom’s Approach to a Healthy Diet

Healthy Food for Our Kids Sometimes feeding our kids healthy food is hard. I see all the ideas for healthy snacks (like my child would...
parenting goes by quickly

Do the Parenting Years Really Fly By?

“Enjoy it because it will all go by so quickly.” We have all heard this nugget of advice in regards to raising our children. Is...
keeping your resolutions

Four Tips For Keeping New Year’s Resolutions

New Year's resolutions. We make them with the best of intentions, wanting to be our best selves. Unfortunately, when the initial excitement wears off...
happiness with an only child

Cultivating Acceptance and Gratitude for Having an Only Child

Feel It Many people happily choose to have only one child, some do not feel so positive about it. I fall into the latter category....
encouraging child to be outgoing

Hope for Pushing Through Shyness

I am the friend who pops in and out of your life. I’ll respond to messages (usually), but may not reach out to you...