Fall Bucket List
'Tis the season for cooler weather, fall clothing, pumpkins, candy corn and delicious chili. Don't let fall slip away without trying...
Free Clothing and School Supplies
It’s almost Back-to-School time in Central Ohio and the high cost of school supplies leaves many parents unsure of how they will afford the...
8 Outdoor Summer Activities That Promote Fine Motor Skills
School is out and that means fun in the sun! Summertime is the perfect opportunity to not only have a blast but to also...
Unstructured Play Outside:: Free Forest School of Central Ohio
I recall having the opportunity to spend an immense amount of time outdoors to explore and invent elaborate play scenarios while growing up. Whether...
How Core Strength Impacts Your Child’s Handwriting
Does your child have difficulty sitting still in class? Slouch when they sit? Have poor handwriting? Handwriting is a complex task that requires 15 skills....
Simple Fine Motor Strengthening Activity
Are you looking for a cheap product that will easily help to strengthen your child’s hands? A familiar item that not only helps strengthen...
10 Self-Care Tips For Winter
Is it Spring yet? If you are anything like me, you can only handle the severely cold weather, grey skies and that somewhat pretty...
Favorite Holiday Traditions
If you are like most families, the holidays wouldn’t be the holidays without a family tradition. Whether your traditions are simple or extravagant; or...
Holiday Teacher Gifts- What They Really Want
Before we know it school with be out for the holidays, and believe it or not your child’s teacher is just as thrilled as...
8 Lessons My Parents Taught Me That I’ll Pass On To My Children
Until you have your own children, you don’t realize that it takes a lot of love, patience, perseverance, sacrifice, and dedication. I would not...