Sarah Hyatt

Sarah Hyatt
Sarah has lived in the Columbus area her entire life, despite spending winters longing for tropical beaches. She always knew she wanted to be a mom, so once she had the space, Sarah chose to become a foster parent, a decision that led to meeting and eventually adopting the greatest kids in the world, her now four-year-old boy/girl twins. Together they enjoy exploring playgrounds and parks around central Ohio, having dance parties in the car to Koo Koo Kanga Roo and The Shazzbots, and repeated viewings of Moana.  Sarah somehow completed a master’s in education while her kids were toddlers, though she still isn’t sure how. She previously worked in higher education, however, since becoming a mom her interests have shifted to early childhood, as for her, one of the greatest joys of motherhood has been watching her children play and grow and rediscovering the world through their eyes. Sarah enjoys finding the joy in everyday moments through photography, finding the right words to express feelings and ideas in writing, and finding the most ridiculous items possible at thrift stores. She is a hoarder of information as evidenced by her lengthy library reserve list, though more often than not all her library books are returned unread -- the siren call of Netflix is too strong.
close up of the hands of a young child writing

Why I Don’t Care About My Kids’ Report Cards

I had one goal during my later years of college: to earn a coveted 4.0 mug, a status symbol in my mind. Every term,...
toddler boy and girl in matching pajamas that say "smart, brave, strong"

Why I’m Not Concerned About My Kids

Before I became a parent, I was warned about many of the aggravations of parenthood. I knew I would be tired. I knew I...
young girl outside, buckling a baby doll into a stroller

My Children Don’t “Just” Play — They’re Learning Too!

A few years ago, I was searching for childcare for my children. I wanted to find a place where they would be loved, safe,...
image of a girl swinging on monkey bars

To The Big Kids At The Playground

When my children were toddlers, I can remember cringing when we arrived at the playground to find it teeming with “big kids” -- usually...
Silhouette of parent and child making heart shape with hands in front of sunset.

How To Care For Your Single Mom Friends

For years before I met my children, I knew I would be a single mom. I planned to be a single mom. It was...

Talking About Death With Young Children

The first time grief catches me off guard, I am reading an article about swallowing incorrectly. My daughter’s speech was slow to develop and...
group of diverse children holding hands

Why I Talk About Race With My White Children

I never expected to be raising white children. I pictured countless other cultural and racial backgrounds. I’d always planned on adoption, and expected to...

The “Firsts” of Adoption

When I met my children, they were 15 months old. I wasn't there the first time my daughter crawled or the first time my...
creative play

One Mom’s Junk Is A Kid’s Treasure

I’m sitting on my patio trying to reclaim one of probably hundreds of trains of thoughts, a train of thought that, like most, left...