
Shannon was born and raised in Columbus. She received her Bachelor’s degree in Special Education from the University of Dayton (Go Flyers!) and her Master’s in Special Education and Transition from George Washington University. She teaches adults with disabilities and is passionate about advocating for those who can’t always do so for themselves. She loves spending her time with family & friends, baking, traveling and writing for her lifestyle blog My Life in the Blink. She is also a sucker for a good bargain! Some might call it being frugal but she prefers to call it being thrifty! Her husband Ryan is her best friend, encourager and partner in crime. Their daughter Quinn is the perfect mix of sweet and sassy. She is strong, independent and loves adventure as much as her Mama and Daddy. Adulting is hard and sometimes all you can do is hang on for the ride. Shannon’s aim in life is not just to survive, but to thrive, to grow and to encourage others to do the same.

Tips for Surviving Road Trips with Little Ones

There is something special about creating memories not just at home, but in new cities. I love to travel and want my kids to...

8 Things I Wish I’d Known Before my C-Section

   Nearly two years after my sweet baby girl entered this world via cesarean section, I am still processing it all. It was not how...
free books

The Imagination Library

How would you like to have a free book arrive in your mailbox every month? Sounds too good to be true, right?! It’s not....
Marriage questions

First Comes Love, Then Comes Marriage, Then Come the Questions

First comes love, then come marriage, then comes the baby in the baby carriage. Or so they say. This catchy, seemingly harmless children's rhyme...

12 Experiences to Gift this Christmas

Often times preparing for Christmas feels more like a sprint to the finish line rather than a joyous, leisurely stroll.  It's easy to get lost...

10 Places to Meet Your Columbus Mom Tribe

I am confident that we weren’t meant to do life alone. Motherhood is confusing enough as it is. Life with little ones (LO's) is...