Parenting an anxious child is not easy. Meltdowns, tantrums, tears and worry. These intense, sensitive children and teens are hard to parent. But you don’t have to go it alone. The Strong Kids, Strong Families child anxiety program gives you the keys to turning your anxious kid into an anti-anxiety super hero! This online psychoeducation and group support program offers weekly lessons to give you the tools you need to create a personalized, developmentally appropriate, and effective plan; live Live chats and group video calls to answer your questions and give you personalized answers so you move forward with confidence; CBT Family, a library of cognitive behavioral techniques, activities and resources to build skills in your family that fit your lifestyle and values, with lots of room for personalization; and a supportive community made up of other parents who know the rewards and challenges of parenting bright, sensitive, intense kids with anxiety and can offer non-judgmental info and support.