Amanda Decastro

Amanda Decastro
Amanda DeCastro has called Columbus, Ohio home her entire life. She currently lives with her husband and four-year-old daughter Samantha in Grove City, where they love to share everything there is to do south of Columbus and beyond on their Instagram handle @BusyInGroveCity. In addition to sharing their favorite things to do around town, Amanda and Samantha stay busy making kids crafts - and they truly live by the motto “the messier the better!” When Amanda isn’t shuttling her daughter from activity to activity, she can be found working part-time at Spectrum News 1 OH where she heads up community relations. An elementary school principal’s wife, Amanda is also involved with the South-Western City Schools Educational Foundation board and serves on the advisory committee for the South-Western City Schools Career Academy Interactive Media Design program. A Capital University grad, she is also involved with her alma mater serving as a frequent guest speaker and mentor for current public relations and marketing students.
simple crafts for kids at home

15 Stay Home Activities and Crafts for Kids

Going nutty yet? Us too. While we navigate this “new normal,” my three-year-old daughter Samantha and I have ramped up craft activities at our house....
The Murky Water of Miscarraige

The Murky Waters of Miscarriage

"You never know who is swimming in the murky waters of miscarriage" - this quote from an article I read last year still resonates...