Amy Ambrozich
The Stepfamily Reset
The Stepfamily Reset
“If I had only known, I may not have signed on for this stepfamily life!”
Time and again, stepparents say they had...
Stepfamily Life…After the Honeymoon
You meet, you begin dating, and you purposely take things slow as you think about becoming a stepfamily because of a million little reasons...
Do You Want Your Kids to Listen Better? Avoid These 3 Things!
Communication is an important part of any relationship, but it can be a challenge at times! When we communicate effectively, it allows kids and...
Stepfamily “Switch Day” Strategies
Stepfamily life is hard sometimes. There's just no other way to put it. The good news is, you're not alone trying to figure this...
Becoming a Stepfamily…One Child’s Journey
The beginning of a new stepfamily is rarely a smooth transition. In fact, for each member of the stepfamily the journey begins well before...
A Stepdad’s Journey
I recently met a father to two grown boys and the stepdad to 2 young girls (ages 9 and 13). Let's call him Joe,...
Stepparents and the Discipline Dilemma
The topic of discipline is a "hot button" issue for many stepfamilies. It can be the catalyst for chaos and power struggles between stepparents...
So You’re Parenting a Teen?
I'm Not Sure How To Handle This New Teen Stage
Parenting is a journey. It's a series of ages and stages of our child's growth...