Katie Grace Kissel

Katie Grace Kissel
Hailing from Nashville, TN, Katie Grace moved to Columbus five years ago to marry her sweet heart. After the native southerner adjusted to the shock of Midwest winters, she began immersing herself into the city. She has been a personal trainer at SweatBox Fitness for the last 3+ years, and has loved the flexibility that allows her to also stay home with her daughter. She also owns her own business, Moonbeam Nursery Co, and creates handmade luxury nursery items. She is also the founder of Mini Market - Columbus's first craft show featuring baby and kids items, handmade by vendors who are local to Ohio. When she has a free moment from all her ventures, you can find her frequenting her favorite local eats with her little family of three.

How to Throw a Birthday Party for Under $100 – for 25 People!

How to Throw a Birthday Party for Under $100 – for 25 People! I started thinking about my daughter’s first birthday when she was about...

Baby’s First Year – A User’s Guide.

Baby's First Year - A user's guide to some of the biggest surprises. As time is closing in on my baby’s first birthday, I am...

Craft Shows This Fall in Columbus

As a true lover of summertime, I am always seriously sad to see it come to an end. I would rather sweat to death...

Finding Your Mom Tribe

We’ve all heard the old saying, “It takes a village to raise a child.” For many moms, that means physical help like daycare, or...

Living a Simpler Life as a Columbus Parent

Simplify - A word that probably crosses our minds daily as parents. With children, and particularly in a big city like Columbus, it is...
Columbus Restaurants

Top Ten List: Quick and Cheap Dinner Dates

As parents, we know that time is of the essence. And that means that we don’t always have time for a four hour date...

Motherhood, Juxtaposed.

Motherhood is being exhausted beyond all reason, yet still having an urge to get more things done. It’s pride that your child is growing and...

The New Normal – Life After Newborn

The New Normal – Life After Newborn My first few months of motherhood were the longest days and fastest weeks of my life. I felt...

Healthy Holiday Treats That Taste Good

Since when did Holidays become synonymous with bad eating choices? Probably when we realized that what we shouldn’t eat every day tastes that much...