Melissa Burnett

Melissa Burnett
Melissa Burnett was born in New Jersey but moved to Ohio at the beginning of a school year where she thought her parents forgot her at Kindergarten and spent most of her first day in tears. Since then, she learned to transfer her imagination onto paper and write stories. She taught Title 1 Reading and wrote children’s books before embarking on her journey into parenthood. Melissa is a mother to twin boys and a younger boy who keeps her on her toes. She enjoys Friday stay home movie night with her boys and dreaming up business ideas with her extremely patient and loving husband. When she is not breaking up wrestling matches, Melissa and her husband spend their time working on rental cabins in Hocking Hills. They also enjoy popcorn and coming up with new popcorn flavors. Melissa promises she does not have motherhood figured out, but she does have many funny stories to share and a word of advice “when you go through the car wash with kids…make sure your window lock is on.” Follow her blog:

Fourth of July at Home

Fourth of July may look a little different this year but that doesn't mean the fun has to stop! Here are 20 quick ways...
visiting relatives during this virus

I Tried to Separate You: A Letter from the Virus

Dear World, I tried to give you a virus to separate you from each other. But instead, you found ways to connect through phone calls, letters,...

Backyard Play: Quick and Easy Ideas!

Fresh air makes a huge difference. Not just for the kids but myself included. When the forecast calls for decent weather, I know we...

To My Fellow Autoimmune Warriors

It is March! Time for St. Patrick’s Day, spring, and hopefully decent weather. Oh, and it's also National Autoimmune Disease Awareness Month. Autoimmune disease...
Kid Date Night in Columbus Ohio

Five Nostalgic Columbus Date Ideas for Kids

Trying to navigate parenting in 2020 can be challenging. It is a balancing act, to say the least. We figure out screen time, how...
Helping New Mom

Visiting A New Mom After Baby

How To Be The Most Helpful To A New Mom  This is what I wish I had known when visiting friends and relatives after they...