One of my absolute FAVORITE moments with my kids is reading to them!!! I’m sure its because I have such amazing memories of books & reading with my mom & dad. Reading comic books with my dad when he would get home late from work. Saturday mornings at the library with my mom, coming home with stacks & stacks of books. We made countless library trips this year and wanted to share some of our favorites. Our reading abilities fall within 0 to 6 years old so the books recommended below are geared towards those age groups.
Don’t forget books make the best gifts!! Grab any of these as baby shower, birthday or even a Valentines day gift & you’ll be set!!!! Another tip: The thrift store is the BEST place to find books for $1.
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Books Topping the Charts for the Infant-Two Years Old:
Polar Bear, Polar Bear Eric Carle (a lesser known but even more gorgeous Carle fav is Mister Seahorse.)
Good Night Moon Margaret Wise Brown (duh, it’s a classic)
Are You My Mother? P.D. Eastman
A Good Day Kevin Henkes (my personal fav)
Bright Baby Touch & Feel Collection (Find it HERE.)
Zoom Zoom Baby & Where is Baby’s Belly Button Karen Katz (pretty much anything by her).
Books for Two-Four Year Olds:
The Crayons Book of Colors Drew Daywalt (The twins got this for Christmas & I LOVE the illustrations!)
The Little Mouse, The Hungry Bear & The Red Ripe Strawberry Audrey & Don Wood
Home Carson Ellis
Missing Jack Rebecca Elliott (Tearjerker in the sweetest way, esp if you have animals.)
The Amazing Adventures of Bumblebee Boy David Soman
Have You Seen My Dragon? Steve Light (I needed a book that helped my son learn to count to 20!!!)
Books for Four-Six Year Olds:
Uni the Unicorn Amy Krause Rosenthal (Omg the illustrations are so beautiful.)
Life Cynthia Rylant & Brendon Wenzel
The Grizzly Bear Who Lost His Grrrrrr! Rob Biddulph ( I love the lesson in this one!)
Randy Riley’s Big Hit Chris Van Dusen (Poor Randy stinks at baseball, but is an ace at math & science!)
The Princess in Black Shannon Hale
A is for Amazing Moments: A Sports Alphabet (If there is an adult sports lover in the house, GET THIS!!)
You Will BE My Friend Peter Brown (I always laugh out loud when we read this!)
Freckle Face Strawberry & the Dodgeball Bully Julianne Moore (Yes, the actress!!)