Looking back on this past year brings us such joy for all that Columbus Moms Blog has accomplished. Our team has poured their hearts into researching and writing over 300 posts for our website. Some of the articles have been informative, some humorous, some emotional, but they have all been written with our audience in mind. Which one has been your favorite?
Our most popular posts are our Columbus-based articles and guides. It’s clear our audience loves finding out what’s going on around town. We’ve kept these posts out of our Top Ten, but we will share a few of them at the bottom.
We thank our sponsors for supporting Columbus Moms Blog as well as all of our readers. We are looking forward to another amazing year and can’t wait to see where Columbus Moms Blog is headed.

1: 5 Tips for Surviving Early Risers
“I have early risers – two of them, in fact. I’ve come to accept that’s who they are and that I created these two amazing creatures who can hop out of bed with smiles on their faces, ready to go at it with gusto. So, it’s partially my fault. They typically get up between 6:00 and 6:30 a.m., but they have each had plenty of phases where they wake up between 5:00 and 6:00 a.m., or even as early as 4:45 a.m. on a regular basis. And now they share a room, so they continually wake each other up in the mornings, no matter what the time or who happens to wake first. I’m not going to lie and say that because I’ve “accepted” it, that means I, too, wake up with gusto. No, that would be false. But I am going to share with you the practices we’ve adopted as a household to cope.”

2: Nanny vs. Daycare: Why We Chose A Nanny
“Yes, we have a nanny. No, we are not rich. The word tends to elicit ideas of celebrities pawning their children off, but completely average people have nannies too! And I’m sure different people make that decision for different reasons, but it quite often is the best financial decision. Here are the hurdles we had with traditional daycare.”

3: I've Changed Since I Became a Mom, and It's Not for the Better
“Recently an author friend of mine, working on a book proposal, asked me to answer the following question for her research: “How have you changed or grown since you became a mom?”
I pondered the question for about 24 hours and honestly, I couldn’t think of anything positive. In fact, I was hard pressed to name an area of my life that hadn’t taken a major hit since I became a mom. Physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, relationally, you name it: a big, fat punch to the gut! I’ve changed, that’s for sure, but it doesn’t feel like it’s for the better! The list of ways I’ve changed looked something like this:”

4: A Sarcastic Mom's Guide to Disney
“So, we did it! We took our girls to Disney World! We had great fun, made great memories, and wish someone would have realigned our expectations just a bit before we left. Below are ten tips this sarcastic mama wishes someone would have shared with her before this trip of a lifetime.”

5: Slaying My Toddlers' Sugar Dragons
“I recently completed my fourth round of the Whole30. If you haven’t heard of it before, it’s an elimination diet that you do for 30 days to figure out what foods are causing inflammation and other bad stuff in the body. For 30 days, you abstain from: dairy, sugar, legumes, grains, soy and (this one hurts) alcohol. I always end up losing weight (5-10 pounds) but the real benefit is the increased energy that I feel when I don’t eat sugar.”

6: How You Can Stand Up to Mom-Shaming
“You share the articles on Facebook about being part of the amazing #momtribe.
You tell your co-worker they are doing a great job.
You brought a meal to the new mom.
But are you really being a supportive mom and friend?“

7: I Messed Up: An Apology Letter to the Mom I Blew Off in Target
“Dear New Mama:
I’m writing a letter to you that I’ve read before. It’s a letter always written by a mom with an older baby or young child. She realizes, after the fact, that she should have said something encouraging to the mom who is losing it because her toddler is screaming in the grocery store, or she should have smiled brighter at the mom in the coffee shop with an infant in its car seat, who clearly hasn’t showered in 3 days, or that she could have been more encouraging to the mom in Target who obviously needed someone to talk to.”

8: 5 Tips for Raising Well-Mannered Children
“My greatest accomplishments are my children. As a mother of two boys, it brings me much joy when others tell me that my children are well-behaved and well-mannered. Yes! Our hard work as parents has paid off in some respect.”

9: 20 Things to Do with Young Kids When You're Stuck Inside
“Moooooommmm, I’m bored!
In the middle of winter, this phrase can make any mom break out in a sweat.”

10: The Disgusting Truth: Why I Don't Allow Shoes in My House
“Okay, I will be the first to admit that I am a germophobe. Yes, sometimes it probably can be perceived as over the top, but I don’t care! The one thing that I am absolutely adamant about is taking your shoes off before stepping foot into my house.”
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Free & Cheap Summer Activities
“We’ve gathered an amazing list of free summer activities in Columbus. From splash pads to factory tours, there are an abundance of activities to keep the whole family happy. Whatever you decide to do, we hope it is full of fun!”

Guide to Kids Eat Free Nights in Columbus
“Don’t you just love Kids Eat Free Nights? It’s a night off from cooking, plus a good deal. We’ve made it super easy to find a list of daily Columbus Kids Eat Free nights. Additionally, we’ve added nights where restaurants offer discounts on kids meals.”

Congratulations on reaching this milestone, Amy! You should be proud 🙂 I love being a part of this blog and reading all of the great articles!
Thanks so much Melissa for all of your support. Glad you are a part of CMB! 🙂
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