It is no secret that video games have come a long way since Atari released Pong in 1972. From the Golden Age of arcade games in the early 1980’s to present day E-sports tournaments, the gaming industry has grown to reach over 2 billion people worldwide.
Across this short timeline, parents have expressed their concern with the ethics of some games on the market. Today, kids as young as 4 or 5 years old are playing video games regularly, and it is easy to worry about possible negative impacts and implications. As games continue to evolve, it is important to remember why it can be a good thing your children are playing them.
6 Reasons to Embrace your Child’s Love of Video Games
Gaming fosters community
Something truly magical happens when you meet someone who loves your favorite game as much as you do. Even if you are in two different parts of the world, there is a common bond shared. Young people can begin to feel isolated with social media obsession being so prominent today, but meeting a friend through gaming brings back that much-needed human connection in a simple and effective way.
Stress relief
This one may seem like a no-brainer, but stress relief is more important for kids now than ever before. There has been no shortage of studies that show kids today have higher reports of anxiety and stress than their parents and grandparents remember from when they were young. Taking an hour or two to cool down after school with the mental gratitude of beating a quest or winning a match is invaluable when it comes to mental health.
Positive mental stimulation
The success of games has a lot to do with systems of reward for the brain. You are working hard to win, find items, complete a mission, et cetera. When you finally accomplish the task, whatever it may be, you are physically rewarded in some way within that game. This reward triggers your brain’s own pleasure center. Throughout this journey, the brain is constantly trying to find the best way to do things in order to earn the greatest reward. This stimulation keeps the player engaged instead of the passiveness of sitting in front of the TV watching a show.
Better sensorimotor skills and hand-eye coordination
We know sports help with motor skills and hand-eye coordination, but I bet you don’t think of games doing the same thing! It’s true. Playing action games like Fortnite or Call of Duty promote fast uptake of these skills. Sensorimotor skills come from the combination of repetitive visual and motor movements. In short, hand-eye coordination. So, why is this important? Well, not only are everyday tasks like driving and typing more efficient, but this skill is utilized in highly specialized careers. Think surgeons, dentists, musicians, and many more.

Improvements in leadership and decision-making skills
When it comes to making quick decisions strategically, nothing teaches kids how to do this better than video games and sports, and these two go hand-in-hand in many respects. When you are thrown into a fast-paced, action-filled moment in a game, you have to make snappy decisions if you want to reward that pleasure center of the brain that we mentioned earlier. If you are on a team, you must be able to take control of a situation and direct people to the best solution. This is a huge confidence-builder that can translate into real-world situations.
They can turn their love for games into a career
No one could have imagined how commanding the video game industry would become back in the late 70s and 80s. Today, arenas with thousands of seats are selling out for E-sports tournaments, and game developers are making millions. Games like Zelda and Mario have become household names around the world, but who is behind the creation of these million-dollar enterprises? More often than you may think, it is a small team of developers with a vision. They started as game-lovers when they were young like your children are now, and they were able to turn their passion into a career.
This is where game development programs like Game-U come in. Game-U offers classes for students ages 6 through 18+ and teaches them everything from programming, to animating, 3D modeling, and more. Encourage your game enthusiast to jump-start their career with this fun and creative after-school program led by industry professionals.
Talent for game creation skills like programming and 3D modeling come with a lot of practice, though. If your child loves games and has a strong interest in turning that love into their life’s work, there are a plethora of options for advancement. If you fear that someone can only make it working in the gaming industry if they live in technology hubs like San Francisco, think again because Columbus was just named the number one city in the country to work in tech. This includes game development. As the world of gaming continues to grow and evolve, we hope to give our kids the tools to put their passion into action!