Do you ever have one of those moments where you step outside of yourself and look back and go “who is that person?” Those moments where your parental self has become totally unrecognizable to your former self? I feel like it’s happening more often than not anymore. And it’s not always bad. I mean, it’s definitely not always good either — just totally different.
I never thought I’d…
• do school drop-off in my slippers. And not even realize it.
• be thankful for half-day kindergarten. (For the record, I thought I was firmly in the “ship them off all day” camp)
• relish my moments of solitude so much. SO much.
• ever become that coffee-toting cliché mom.
• ever become that wine-toting cliché mom.
• make homemade mac and cheese. (This recipe. HIGHLY recommend. Worth the effort.)
• run.
• love my kids’ stinky breath (so gross, right?).
• own jeans that have gone out of style then come back in.
• put a little address sticker on my Tupperware.
• own Tupperware.
• become emotionally invested in the Star Wars saga. (I didn’t see a single movie until my mid-twenties and now here I am discussing the relationship between Obi Wan and Owen Lars with a second grader)
• come to be so anti post-sport snacks (They play for less than an hour at 9 a.m.! Why do they need a gallon of Gatorade, Cheetos and half a dozen Oreos?) after being the 5-year-old who LIVED for the post-game snacks (back in the days of the Hi-C Ecto Cooler)
• have to seriously think about the last time I showered.
• want or need an iPhone. (I distinctly remember saying “Eh, I’m on the internet enough. I’m fine. I don’t ever text anyway.” HA!)
• ever ever ever have to clean up so much pee.
• let a child spit chewed food into my hand. (Sorry. Last gross thing. Promise. But seriously – I don’t even flinch and my 22-year-old self is like “WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU, CRAZY LADY?!”)
• totally blank on the year my kid was born.
• forget how old I am.
By no means is this list exhaustive. I could go on, but I’d love to hear others’ thoughts on this. What do you do that your former self would most certainly question?Save