
Amber is a mom to 2 of the most high energy kids, Avery (2012) and Archie (2015) and also the owner of Fit4Mom Hilliard. She is a certified personal trainer, and also have certifications in Pre and Postnatal fitness. She has coached track, basketball, and Sporties for Shorties! Fitness and Sports are huge parts of her and her family's life. On the weekends you can usually find them at some football, soccer, baseball or basketball game around the Columbus area. Amber was born and raised in Northeast Ohio but since marrying her husband Mike, they have lived in 5 different cities (Pittsburgh, Painesville, Raleigh, Long Beach, and currently Dublin) in 4 different states in 5.5 years. Amber would describe herself as a very "go with the flow" wife, while describing her husband as a very "you only live once, so why not" husband! Amber truly enjoys being a mom as long as there is always coffee brewing.

Noon is lunch time for SAHMs too.

For most of the world 11:30-1:00 is lunchtime. A time when you rush to the location of restaurant or store with a hot/cold food...
Moving Boxes

Moving is stressful. 5 tips to destress your friend during her move.

I just moved to a new home. It was one of the most mentally draining experiences ever. Packing, sorting, saving, purging, cleaning. Then the...

Why I Am a Proud Pinterest Mama

 Why I am a proud Pinterest mama Why do I spend what seems like hours scrolling through Pinterest, pinning things I can just buy? Why...

I Didn’t Even Know I Had PPD

I thought I had done my research about being a first time mom while I was pregnant. I read book after book, and joined...