
Liz loves the chaos of raising her four littles, 6 and under with her hubby, who she met on a blind date. She loves it so much she works outside the home full time caring for seniors. She recently become passionate about food allergy awareness when her youngest, identical twin boys, were diagnosed with a peanut/treenut allergy. When she isn't cleaning up the food her twins throw on the floor or separating her bickering big kids she loves happy hour at Forno in the Short North. You can guess how often that happens. Liz has a serious shopping addiction & knows where all the good thrift stores in Cbus are. With her copious amounts of free time she loves scrapbooking, making recipes nobody at her house will touch & eating all the amazing baked goods the city of Columbus has to offer. Think Sassafras Bakery doughnut muffins & Cherbourg's nut free box of the day! She absolutely loves sharing bits of honest motherhood on her Instagram account @lizbon_j and occasionally on her blog Liz Bon J.
family memories camping

Creating Family Memories Through Camping

Last Summer we took the big kids camping and made one of my most favorite memories ever. It wasn't expensive. It wasn't Disney. It...
spring fashion

3 Ways to Style a Midi-Skirt for Spring

My typical momiform is pretty much yoga pants and a tee or sweat shirt. Come time for a special birthday party, family pics or...

Take Care of Yourself: Self-Care Reminders

January was an absolute doozy of a month. One of the toughest I've endured in my seven years as a mom.  Coming off that...
Reading books to children

Our Favorite Kiddo Books of 2017

One of my absolute FAVORITE  moments with my kids is reading to them!!! I'm sure its because I have such amazing memories of books...

Finding The Perfect Gifts For Your Family

I'll never forget the time my best friend described me as "someone who loves to create moments." Moments meaning memories. I had never thought...
Doughnuts in Columbus

Happy National Doughnut Day, Again!

When I heard there was a second National Doughnut Day (the first is in June) I thought about ignoring it. Then I thought DUH...

The Teal Pumpkin Project

I've been trying to type a post about life with food allergies that wasn't super Debbie Downer, circa Saturday Night Live all month. Today is...