Liz Renneker

Liz Renneker
Liz Renneker is an active mom to three and wife to one. After hiking, camping, skiing, and growing a family in Colorado for the past ten years her family has relocated back to their roots in the Buckeye State. A nurse by trade and with over 11 years of pediatric oncology experience she has found a second passion in helping other busy moms get fit. As a virtual healthy lifestyle coach- and she specializes in creating positivity, self-love, health and balance in the busy mom life. The right fitness program, nutrition plan, and support go a long way to obtain that balance and achievement. During the school year you can find Liz volunteering at the elementary school, exploring museums and parks with her youngest, transporting and cheering for the three at swim meets, soccer and basketball games, rock climbing lessons, piano and theatrical performances. She has been known to sneak in a triathlon here and there in addition to her early morning workout sessions. School breaks and summer are her favorite times of the year when she can explore and adventure with all three children and her hubby!

“The Talk”… Are You Prepared?

In a CMB contributor poll about embarrassing moments, a time in many of our lives came up surrounding the start of menstruation. It just...
Elf on the Shelf tradition

The Elf has Arrived

    In recent years elves have been appearing on shelves, in homes, across the countries leading up to Christmas. Some are merrily sitting on shelves and...

Christmas in Moderation

I am the first to admit I love the Christmas season. I am anxious to get the house decorated, a tree up, and cookies...

Sweet Potato and Black Bean Chili

Chilly weather brings chili for dinner in our home. I enjoy giving my family healthy, comforting meals despite our crazy schedules in the evenings....
packing school lunches

Fueling our Children for Success- How to Pack a Healthy School Lunch

With Back to School comes the great task and responsibility of packing lunches. That statement may seem dramatic, but I truly do see it...

Geocaching: A Real Life Treasure Hunt

Geocaching has been around for some time but has recently gained traction in central Ohio. Geocaching is a real-world, outdoor treasure hunting game using...

Summer Balancing Act

For those parents who are home during the summer months, it can be a tough decision of how much “to do”. Some moms believe...

It’s 5 o’clock somewhere…What’s for Dinner?

I know I'm not the only mom out there to struggle with dinner time. What mother has time to slave hours in the kitchen...

Gardening with Children

  "To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow." -Audrey Hepburn A garden provides a wonderful tool for children to experience the life cycle first...

Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle as Spring Approaches

                Many of us come barreling down the track in high gear with out new year's resolution of healthier lifestyles- lose weight, tone up, exercise...