Melissa Burnett
FAQ on Backyard Chickens
If you would have bet me a couple years ago that I would be writing an article on backyard chickens I would probably bet...
Family Game Night Without the Tears!
Family Board Game Night is a popular evening at our house. We look forward to this time each week. However, family game night does...
Picture Books that Leave Us with a Case of the Giggles
I savor the moments we enjoy a book together. My twins are getting older and diving into chapter books independently. I know the times...
Fun One Time Classes without the Commitment
Spring is here! I don't know about you, but we were more than ready! I enjoy smelling the flowers blooming, tasting the sweetness of...
Saying Goodbye to a Family Pet
It is a bittersweet journey down memory lane as I scroll through the pictures on my phone and see our sweet family pet.
You, our...
A Letter of Gratitude from a Food Allergy Mommy
Dear Fellow Mom, Neighbor, Room Parent, Best Friend,
I want to express how grateful I am for the role you have played in our family....
Five Gifts For Kids That Have Lasted More Than Five Years
The holidays are approaching and when I think of the best toys in our house I try and make a mental note of the...
Family Guide to Hocking Hills
What are the best places to visit when planning a day trip or getaway to Hocking Hills?
Four years ago my family started visiting Hocking...
How To Be The Best Pandemic Parent
Sorry but I do not have the answer. There is no list of ways to be the best version of yourself during a once...
When Writing Became a Chore for My Sons
Writing is therapeutic for me. At a young age I preferred story writing to sports. I savored summers spent reading on my parent’s porch...