Melissa Burnett

Melissa Burnett
Melissa Burnett was born in New Jersey but moved to Ohio at the beginning of a school year where she thought her parents forgot her at Kindergarten and spent most of her first day in tears. Since then, she learned to transfer her imagination onto paper and write stories. She taught Title 1 Reading and wrote children’s books before embarking on her journey into parenthood. Melissa is a mother to twin boys and a younger boy who keeps her on her toes. She enjoys Friday stay home movie night with her boys and dreaming up business ideas with her extremely patient and loving husband. When she is not breaking up wrestling matches, Melissa and her husband spend their time working on rental cabins in Hocking Hills. They also enjoy popcorn and coming up with new popcorn flavors. Melissa promises she does not have motherhood figured out, but she does have many funny stories to share and a word of advice “when you go through the car wash with kids…make sure your window lock is on.” Follow her blog:
Raising chickens

FAQ on Backyard Chickens

If you would have bet me a couple years ago that I would be writing an article on backyard chickens I would probably bet...

Family Game Night Without the Tears!

Family Board Game Night is a popular evening at our house. We look forward to this time each week. However, family game night does...
books for kids that make you laugh

Picture Books that Leave Us with a Case of the Giggles

I savor the moments we enjoy a book together. My twins are getting older and diving into chapter books independently.  I know the times...

Fun One Time Classes without the Commitment

Spring is here! I don't know about you, but we were more than ready! I enjoy smelling the flowers blooming, tasting the sweetness of...

Saying Goodbye to a Family Pet

It is a bittersweet journey down memory lane as I scroll through the pictures on my phone and see our sweet family pet. You, our...
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A Letter of Gratitude from a Food Allergy Mommy

Dear Fellow Mom, Neighbor, Room Parent, Best Friend, I want to express how grateful I am for the role you have played in our family....

Five Gifts For Kids That Have Lasted More Than Five Years

The holidays are approaching and when I think of the best toys in our house I try and make a mental note of the...
hocking hills for families

Family Guide to Hocking Hills

What are the best places to visit when planning a day trip or getaway to Hocking Hills? Four years ago my family started visiting Hocking...
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How To Be The Best Pandemic Parent

Sorry but I do not have the answer. There is no list of ways to be the best version of yourself during a once...
when writing became a chore for kids

When Writing Became a Chore for My Sons

Writing is therapeutic for me. At a young age I preferred story writing to sports. I savored summers spent reading on my parent’s porch...