It seems like Columbus has so many great strawberry farms to visit for the kickoff of summer! But did you know there are more berries to be picked?! Don’t forget about blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries too. Most of the farms listed below are just a short drive from Columbus and could make a great day trip! Each farm offers a variety of berries, while others specialize in just one type.
Blueberry season usually starts the middle of June through the end of June. Raspberries and Blackberries start sometime in July, but some farms will be ready soon. Their websites provide the kickoff dates and will be updated as the juicy goodness is ready to be picked. Be sure to visit their sites often as dates change and varieties sell out as they are picked.
Columbus Blueberry Farm (formerly Blueberry Valley): South Bloomfield (30 minutes from Columbus). Check their website for opening day (usually 2nd or 3rd week of June.) Blueberries for everyone!
Blueberry Patch: Mansfield (1 hour from Columbus). This would be a great meeting point if you have family up North! Check their website, but they should be ready for you mid-June. Blueberries, Raspberries, and Blackberries. Also, a stop at Little Buckeye Children’s Museum or a ride on a hand-carved carousel at Richland Carrousel Park would make a super stop.
Mitchell’s Berries: Plain City (20 minutes from Columbus): Black Raspberries and Red Raspberries beginning June 14!
Rusty Plow Farms: Marysville (30 minutes from Columbus) Raspberries opening June 12!
Lynd Fruit Farm: Pataskala (20 minutes from Columbus) Raspberries begin in early June through mid-June and Blackberries are mid-July through August.
Champaign Berry Farm: Urbana (less than 1 hour from Columbus). They anticipate opening Mid- End of June.
The Maize at Little Darby Creek : Milford Center (located 30 minutes from Columbus) Black and red raspberries will be ready soon.
Wright’s Pickaway Farm: Circleville (30 minutes from Columbus). Raspberries ready for you soon!
Stir Family Farm: Ashville (45 minutes from Columbus). Black Raspberries should be ready in a week or two!
Deer Creek Berry Farms: Mount Sterling (45 minutes from Columbus) Picking starts the week of June 27.
One to keep in mind for next year:
Ruffwing Farms, Lancastser- Sad news, they will not have berries this year, but have replanted to be ready for 2018!
What an awesome opportunity to show your kids where the food they are eating is coming from. We hope your picking is plentiful, your recipes are delicious, and the memories are full of sunshine, smiles, and stained faces. Happy Picking and sampling!