At the beginning of 2019 I felt exhausted, overworked and burnt out. Of course, I enjoyed being a stay-at-home-mom, but being with my children all day, every day was wearing me out. When you add in the fact that my son, who was nine-months-old at the time, rarely slept through the night, it had been one long year. I was in desperate need of a break. #MamasTired
Whenever I mentioned something to my husband about needing more “me time” or “time away” he was always encouraging me to take some time, as he had taken a few “guys trips” over the past few years. However, I found that was easier said than done.
Plus, what I really wanted was some quiet time at home, not a trip away. I wanted to sit on my couch and watch TV. Eat a healthy meal, made by me, at our kitchen table. I wanted to sleep through the night in my own bed. I wanted a staycation.
I’m not sure if it was him or me that came up with this idea, but it’s been working well for us for over the past year. If you’re needing some time to recharge, maybe this staycation idea would work for you too?
His family lives a few hours away, so one weekend he took the kids home with him, giving him and the kids quality time with that side of our family and giving me just over 24 hours at home, by myself! It was glorious! It was my very own “staycation.”
The first time they went away to give me a break, I had no idea what to do with myself! I mostly sat on the couch, watched TV, played on my phone and took a nap. It felt odd. If you have small children, having a quiet house to yourself with no one yelling, crying, or begging for snacks, can be a bit jarring!
Here are some other ideas I’ve either done or would like to do in the future. I never have a set plan, but the one thing I do every single time is stay up late and sleep in!
- Try a new restaurant
- Do some cleaning (I always do this!)
- Go to the library
- Host a girls night at your place
- Watch your favorite TV show
- Go shopping for yourself
- Have a spa day
- Plan your next family vacation
- Explore a local museum
- Stay up late
- Sleep in
- Read a book
- Work on a hobby
- Take a walk at a new park
- Spend time wandering the aisles of your favorite store
- Spend the day in your pajamas
- Make your favorite meal
- Go to the gym
- Explore a new part of town
- Drink your coffee hot as soon as you wake up
The possibilities are truly endless! However, no matter what I do I always feel recharged and welcome my family back home with a smile on my face! Being a mom is tough and exhausting at times, but taking these little staycations every once in a while has 100% helped me over the past year!