As a mom, the idea of being alone is like a sweet treat that we crave and regardless of how much we love our family we daydream about flying solo on the regular. Admit it, moms!
We are desperate for that “me time” and if you are like me you stay up way too late because it’s the only time of day that you can just sit, watch what you want to watch and read what you want to read. I’m not proud when I say that I spend way too much of my “alone time” at night zoned out on my phone, and I spend money I shouldn’t- adding wishlist items to my shopping cart. But is this really alone time?
I say no – you are not truly alone in these moments. Ask yourself when was the last time you were truly alone? I’m beginning to realize that although I crave alone time, I have never, ever truly been alone.
Hear me out, yes I have “technically” been alone many times. But have I ever been actually “good at” being alone OR made it a priority in my life? No. The quick answer is NO. I have never lived alone. I lived with my parents, then roommates, and now my husband and our crazy crew of 3 kiddos, 2 dogs and a hamster. I have never vacationed alone and I have definitely never eaten alone at a restaurant or even gone to a movie solo. I find it scary. I also think I spend way too much energy thinking about how others would perceive me being alone. The thought of walking into a restaurant and sitting down to eat a full meal at a table (not at the bar on my phone) is crazy scary to me. But why do I perceive this as scary?
For those strong independent women out there that are truly good at being alone, I applaud you! I understand that relationship status obviously correlates with the ability and desire to be alone – by choice or not, but being comfortable and confident enough to fly solo is so necessary!
This post is intended to encourage all mommas to be brave enough to be by yourself. Totally alone with your own thoughts and emotions for an extended period of time. Hiding in your pantry does not count my friends!
Regardless of your relationship status, your family life, your friendships or career, I’m encouraging myself (and all of you) to do something for the first time (or the hundredth time) entirely ALONE! Make the dinner reservation for a party of ONE. Or even better take that trip and check into the hotel solo! It may be scary, but I predict it will also be liberating.