It’s A Boy!
I remember being convinced that my first child was a girl. I even had a name picked out. Then came the 20 week anatomy ultrasound. The ultrasound tech measured the head, legs, evaluated the heart, and the baby was growing healthy. The gender was saved for last. As the ultrasound tech asked for any last guesses, I kept thinking girl. Then the tech announced it was a boy and showed on the screen how very much the baby was a boy. All I could think was what am I going to do with a boy? I had been disappointed for a day, and I also felt terrible for being disappointed about a healthy child’s gender. As I started to allow myself to buy baby clothes, I passed the world of dresses and bows of a baby girl and headed to the polos and bowties of the boy mom world.
Welcome to Boy Mom World
Then I was a boy mom. I had a son. A son that in the last three and half years has given me more purpose, laughs, and moments of challenge and frustration. I need to remind myself that he’s growing bigger each day. That the days of him crawling into my lap and being able to physically carry him to bed are numbered. I have had so many emotions while trying to raise a boy in this world right now. I just want to raise a good person that is respectful, loving, kind, and a person who knows right from wrong. We worked through sensory issues and a speech delay. And potty training took months longer than we ever thought possible. My son taught me he would always do things on his own time. His sweet smile and kind heart remind me daily that so far, I am doing something right.
Non-Stop Energy, Non-Stop Fun
One thing I know about having a son is that he does not stop unless he is asleep. I knew there was a difference between boys and girls from the summer he was two and we would meet up with friends that had little girls at the pool. My son wanted to explore the whole place. As friends watched the little girls splash around in the baby pool area, I was practically running from the baby pool area to splash pads to the main swimming area chasing an energetic toddler. “It was a great workout,” I thought as I would pep talk myself to go back the next week.
The Next Chapter of Being a Boy Mom
There is no relationship like a mother and son. My mother made the comment that she had hoped that my son would be just like me. But as my aunt said, who had one of each, “boys are always nice to their mothers and are nothing like mother/daughter relationships.”
My son is my constant friend. As we are closing the chapter on toddlerhood and entering the kid world, our relationship continues to grow and this mama is ready for all those wonderful mother/son moments.
We’d love for you to read about our other contributors’ experiences with her boys and how one mom’s little boy helped her be brave. How do you feel about being a boy mom?