Ok, ladies, let’s get real. This mom thing is a tough gig.
Sure, there are some of you out there that appear to have it all together— you shower every day, make a well-balanced dinner, and have well-behaved children. But, I have figured you all out. You don’t have it altogether, you just hide it better than the rest of us! Seriously, some days I have it together, but other days I am a walking disaster!
In the spirit of motherhood and helping us all feel like we aren’t as much of a disaster as we think we are, I thought I would share my top 10 mom confessions.
My Top 10 Mom Confessions
- When my husband is out of town, we eat boxed macaroni and cheese…a lot…in front of the TV. Because, well, mama needs a break. And boxed mac n’ cheese is pretty delicious.
- I refuse to push my daughter on the swings at the park. I mean, park time is for her to get her energy out and me to sit on the bench and watch. Sorry, not sorry.
- I don’t like playing with my kid. I know! Stop the presses, I am a terrible mom, right!??! Nope, I am a good mom, I just can’t handle playing with toys made for preschoolers.
- Some days I let my daughter watch way too much TV…because I really like the free time. (She is currently binge watching My Little Pony. Thanks, Netflix)
- I tell her she can’t have dessert, but then I will eat dessert when she can’t see me. I’m the adult, right?
- I just took her with me to get a pedicure and gave her my phone for entertainment. Quality time.
- My daughter is 4. So, basically, she is insane. She was once behaving so poorly in the Target parking lot that I had to make a fake call to the cops to get her to get in the car. It worked.
- Sometimes, when she doesn’t want to go to bed, I tell her that I am just going to go turn off the lights downstairs then I will be back up to snuggle with her. I have no intention of turning off the lights. And she falls right asleep every time. Score one for mom.
- I went to the first PTO meeting at my daughter’s preschool…I was counting down the minutes till I could get out of there. There was way too much energy being devoted to entertaining preschoolers! Thankfully, those moms exist, so I don’t have to be involved.
- I don’t like Disney World. There, I said it. We took my daughter this year and I just don’t get the fascination. As far as I am concerned, it’s an over-hyped, over-priced, mediocre theme park.

I am sure you have some of your own mom confessions. Here’s the cool part – these don’t make you (or me) a bad mom!
Let’s all stop feeling guilty about these things and embrace them. Of course, we love our children and would do anything for them (well, except push them on the swings at the park), but we don’t have to be “on” all the time.
We don’t all have to be the PTO mom.
We don’t all have to be the Disney mom.
We don’t all have to be the mom that never yells.
We don’t all have to be the mom that cooks healthy balanced meals.
You can’t be the best mom you can be if you are totally stressed out and unhappy. So, let go of the worry, let go of your expectations of what kind of mom you thought you would be and just go with it. Do the parts you love with gusto and leave the rest alone. It’s ok.