Motherhood is the most precious gift in all the world. It can also be the most challenging and overwhelming job. When you don’t have a support system in place, it can be even more overwhelming.
My sister, a pediatric nurse, saw the need to help new (and experienced) moms in the most tender and raw period of their lives. And Together Wee Grow was born. She has been trained by two well known pediatric nurses who together wrote the Moms on Call book. The book and the methods changed our lives and we want to be able to help change other lives as well.
As new mothers, we have so many questions.
Am I doing this right?
Is this normal?
How many ounces?
Will he/she get nipple confusion?
What type of bottle?
How do I swaddle?
What do I do for acid reflux?
What do I do during the witching hour?
Why isn’t my baby sleeping?
How long do I try to get he/she to burp?
Why is her tongue white?
And again, why won’t she sleep?
What is that smell under his neck?
What color should her poop be?
Why should I use white noise?
How long should I let he/she cry?
He hates tummy time.
She spits up A LOT.
Why won’t he just SLEEP?!
We know what new moms think about. We know what new moms worry about. We know what is going through your mind at 2 a.m. We know you are JUST exhausted. More importantly, we have been there right along with you and had the same questions before the business began. We shared the same worries and the same concerns in all hours of the night. When my sister asked me to join as a Newborn Care Specialist, I knew by supporting moms, this would be the perfect fit. I knew the methods worked for our family and I wanted to give back and help families during the most demanding time of their lives.
The most common question we hear is, “What am I doing wrong?” First off, you are doing so much right if you are asking yourself this question. This question alone allows us to know how much you care for your little one. You just want to do what is best for them and we are there to support you with the answers on how to do this.
There are so many parenting books out there, many which contradict themselves. Our method is to partner with parents who know their child best and to provide instruction on basic baby care to decrease parental worry and anxiety. It is so important for parents to feel well rested and feel comfortable with their child’s well being. This allows them to enjoy and understand their precious wee ones in this new phase of life. It’s so important to recognize that it is okay to ask for help.
We have helped so many families in the Columbus area (and across the country) by making small changes in their schedules and feedings to help everyone in the house get the sleep they need and deserve. We provide many services that can be tailored to meet your needs.
We offer phone consultations, in-home consultations, 6 months of email and text support and night nursing services.
Night nursing services you say? Yes! We come and stay at your home and care for your baby while you get much-needed rest. We feed, diaper, love, and care for your child and help them learn healthy sleeping habits.
Writing for the Columbus Moms Blog has been a wonderful experience where I feel I can help other moms. This business, Together Wee Grow, is another opportunity where my sister and I have found our true calling by helping other moms. If you are reading this, we want you to know it is okay to ask for help. Motherhood doesn’t come with a set of instructions, but we are here to support you!
If you know someone who is struggling or you are struggling yourself, please don’t be afraid to reach out to us. Thank you for allowing us to share a little insight into a dream business that has made us so happy. There is nothing better than helping families and being with the most precious gift- your baby.

For more information, please visit our website at Together Wee Grow. You can also find us on Facebook and Instagram.