Guest Writer
From The Diary of a Super Tired Dad
I had a ton of fears about becoming a new tired Dad. Anxieties over the unknown, countless nights I lay awake thinking about the...
Come Fly with Me: Tips for Flying During a Pandemic
When I used to watch the Rick Steve’s travel videos, the first thing he said during his Tips for Traveling with Kids video was,...
Cool Mom Wannabe
I consider myself new to this “Mommy Chapter” in the book of life. I had always wanted to be a mom. I had as...
Demystifying the Teenage Transition: Four Ways to Support Young Teens
As parents of three children, including two teenagers, we know the challenges that come along with raising future adults. Fluctuating social circles, first-time romances,...
How To Encourage Your Child to Respond During a Doctor’s Visit
Who does the talking when you take your child to see the doctor? You, your child or both?
Hopefully, your child does more of the...
A Mommy Dentist’s Timeline to Caring for Your Child’s Teeth
As a Mommy Dentist I often get asked by parents “When should I begin to bring my child to the Dentist?” My quick response...
Family Fun Day in Dublin’s Bridge Park
Dublin’s Bridge Park
Dining out has always been one of my most favorite things IN THE WORLD to do. My husband and I both love...
The Benefits of Being a Goldfish Swim School Grammy
Thanks to our friends at Goldfish Swim School-Dublin, Goldfish Swim School-Westerville, and Goldfish Swim School-Lewis Center for sponsoring this post and providing an opportunity...
5 Tips to Help Moms Enjoy a Worry Free Summer Outing
Summer means life outside for many families. The children are out of school, the sun is out in full and the pools are open...
Get in the Picture
My personal social media feed is filled with photos of my kids. I have photos of them eating. I have photos of them sleeping....