
Jessica is a native of Cleveland, OH (well, a small town 30-minutes outside of CLE, Perry, have you heard of it?!) who moved with her family of five to Columbus in 2014 on a giant leap of faith. Columbus has not disappointed from Day One. She is mom to three great kids, Sadie (7), Colin (5) and Elise (3). Somehow the kids ended up each being 26-months apart, something this not-so-mathematically inclined mama definitely did not plan! She’s been married to her husband Brian for ten years and credits him for (mostly) keeping her crazy in check. Her work is one of her passions – she works media relations in the field of organ, eye and tissue donation. Her job brings her great pride and joy and she actually looks forward going into work every single day. Her other passion is advocating for stage four breast cancer research. Jessica lost her mom in 2013, after a two-year, harrowing road with cancer. She tries to raise awareness for the spread of breast cancer and to educate others on supporting causes that fund stage four research to save lives. Jessica recently won her first Blue Ribbon at the Ohio State Fair for “Button Price” a button art (yes, that’s a thing) rendition of Prince (the singer and purple legend), loves Beyoncé, will never turn down the opportunity of a mid-Saturday nap and is excited to continue exploring this great city we live in!

Three Cheers for Star Lanes!

First Impression When you walk through the doors of Star Lanes Polaris, the arcade is to your right, a nice dining space is to your left...

Top 5 Reasons to Try ‘YourMechanic’

Ladies (and gentlemen), I introduce you to 'YourMechanic' a service that has this mama over the moon! And why, you ask? Check out my...

Lazer Kraze Crazy!

Two CMB contributors, Heather and Jessica, and their children spent an August afternoon at Lazer Kraze and Trampoline Park in Gahanna with a combined...
memorial tattoo

Treasured Tattoos

In 2013 I lost both of my parents during my third pregnancy. My dad, four days after I told him I was pregnant and...

Let’s go to the Ohio State Fair!

Let’s talk about the Ohio State Fair, mamas. Did you know it’s amazing? And affordable? And in our backyard? Several years ago, my sister-in-laws...

An Orphaned Mom

I’m young – 37. And I don’t have living parents anymore. I’m an orphan and I, of course, hate it. My friends have parents,...
Powell Happy Hours

Best Mom Happy Hour – Powell Edition

In looking for something to write about this month, the topic of moms and happy hours came up and I thought “Voila! I can...
donating organs

Organ donation – the gift from the unimaginable

As a mom of three, the last thing I ever want to think about is something happening to my babies. I don’t want them...

REAL Breast Cancer Awareness

October is a mixed bag for me. On one hand, the weather is ah-mazing and the Browns are playing. On the other hand, it’s...