How To Talk to Your Kids About Gender
Our daughter is four years old, and the “hard conversations” have begun. When streaming a kids' movie the other day, my daughter noticed the...
The Spoon Theory: Part Two
If you read along with us in Part One, you remember that my spoons have also been running low and the most creative I...
The Spoon Theory: Part One
As a therapist, I’ve been hearing a theme lately from the majority of my clients: exhaustion. As we grieve the loss we’ve all endured...
We Are Alive
Let me set the scene: Around 6:00 p.m. on Saturday night. Month six-ish or so of the pandemic. The last adult beverage in our...
Making Milkshake Memories
After not seeing my parents for a while due to current pandemic related circumstances, we recently had the privilege of spending time with my...
I Felt So Empowered… And I Was Naked.
Hello. My name is Kristina. And I have body image issues.
I mean, I identify as female… so… it only makes sense that I have...
My Quarantine Drinks: Water, Wine and Propello Life
Anyone else feel like you're seeing all these posts of moms with all this "extra free time" due to the quarantine? And then kind...
Has Your Love Language Changed Since Having Kids?
I have an incredible, lengthy, dramatic (almost delightfully trashy) story about how my husband and I met. But for the gist of this piece,...
Be Gentle.
We are all fighting a battle.
And yes, I mean all of us.
But for the purpose of this writing, I mean moms.
All moms are fighting...
10 Must-Have Apps for New(ish) Parents
The Google Generation
We hear a lot about how demanding and needy and impatient and blah blah blah the Google generation is. And some of...