When My Holiday Style Isn’t Your Holiday Style
I have a friend on Facebook who is sort of known for being a cold-weather grump and holiday Grinch. The second it gets cold...
Mental Health Awareness Day
Learning About Health as a Child
I was lucky when I was little to have a working family with pretty decent health care. Growing up,...
It Was Just Me. Again.
Our family vacation in July was wonderful. Just the three of us venturing to the beach for a week-long getaway. But, I’m new enough...
Shake The Sand From Your Toes… Not Your Soul
Summer is winding down (wait, what?… but, it is…) and if you were lucky enough to travel anywhere this summer, for a long weekend...
Let Them Help
Cleaning as a Type of Self Care
One of my fellow blogger friends recently published a post on How to Introduce Chores into Your Child's...
My Job, My Honor, My Privilege
Preparing To Be Parents
When we were preparing to become parents, I remember lying in bed each night, being completely consumed by all the things...
Is She the One?
First Impressions
You walk into the crowded room, there are people everywhere. Talking, walking around, mingling. You find your spot and take a seat, just...
Ten Acts of Love That Support Friends with Kids
A friend of mine texted me early in the morning one day to tell me she was already having such a tough day with...
When Your Pill Box Looks like a Box of Chocolates
I remember being at my grandma’s house and always seeing her pill case next to her bed on the nightstand. Labeled with each day...