Look at this budding artist.
I may be biased (SPOILER ALERT: I am), but I think she is absolutely adorable. I shared this image on Facebook almost 4 years ago and proclaimed my excitement with my daughter’s love of drawing.
Over the last few years, that love of drawing has continued and expanded into other artistic mediums. Left to her own devices in a room full of art supplies, my daughter would draw, paint, cut and glue her heart out for hours.
I love her creations and even more, I love her creative soul. I do everything I can to nurture her creativity, but there’s only one downfall to this.
She wants to keep EVERYTHING: Every painting, every coloring page, every scrap of paper she’s ever doodled on. Seriously she is notorious for catching her dad throwing away bits of paper that he doesn’t realize are valuable treasures.
And so, for all of you with budding artists for children, here are some creative things to do with all their precious works of art.

Display it on the wall. I love using my kids’ artwork to decorate their playroom, but you could really use it anywhere in your house. You can keep it simple with a string and clothespins, or create a gallery wall with frames. These options are great if you’d like to change it up occasionally and switch out the art you’re displaying, but if you plan to leave the same artwork up long term, consider putting it on a canvas.
Put it in a book. It is so easy to create your own custom book online. Just scan in your child’s artwork or even take pictures with your phone and upload them. Or, keep it simple and put their artwork directly in a photo album or scrapbook.
Share it on social media. Just snap a photo on your phone and upload it to your Facebook or Instagram. I’ve been doing this sporadically for years and it always makes me smile to look back at the art I’ve shared on Facebook and forgotten. Plus, friends and family always seem to enjoy getting a glimpse into her creative mind. Want to keep it all in one place? Create a Facebook album or even an Instagram account specifically for your little one’s art.
Make a calendar. If you’re going to use a paper calendar, why not make it one that you’ll treasure? I love the thought of bringing some joy to my desk at work by using my kids’ art to make a desk calendar like this one.
Wear it. Picture This Clothing is a company that turns your artwork into a dress or t-shirt. How cool is that? My daughter would be thrilled to wear her own creation! Or, there are tons of shops on Etsy that turn children’s drawings into jewelry (hint, hint husbands looking for a Mother’s Day gift for your wives).
Mail it. Brighten a friend or family member’s day by sending them some artwork to enjoy. If you want to get extra fancy, you can create custom stationary or even custom postage stamps, but the original work of art in a plain envelope will probably be appreciated just as much.